would you please go in detail regarding the DMSO treatment for IC?
Thanks Frank
----- Original Message ----- From: "Joni Lovegrove" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 4:21 PM
Subject: RE: CS>cystitis

If and after infection is ruled out with a culture, consider learning more about INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS (IC). If you do take antibiotics, make sure they culture and do a sensitivity test on what antibiotic to use, if you go that route. It would be nice if they could do a sensitivity test with CS, but I don't know of any labs that would test. Bladder infections are more easily treated, but if it spread to your kidney it is much more serious and difficult to treat, it also depends greatly on the type of bacteria.

Vaginal yeast infections are also very painful and cause the pain associated with cystitis, many times after I am treated for yeast, cystitis is better. A good preventive for yeast is , Flora Q, it has several types of friendly bacteria, can be bought in some drug stores and most health supplement stores.

I have had interstitial cystitis and vulvodynia for several years. I was (mis-treated) and misdiagnosed for urinary infections (cystitis) for years. The urine specimen would generally show a few white cells and red blood cells, so the average doctor would think it was an infection and give me a week of antibiotics. I would go back after finishing a round of antibiotics, with no relief, they would send the culture off, then call me to say I did not have any infections, and basically no relief or answers.

After about 5 years of misery, three urologist, many antibiotics, and two family doctors, I finally found a urologist in 1999 that figured out what was wrong with me, and treated me, and knew about INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS. They immediately found I had inflamed bladder, very damaged, and certain cells that are diagnostic of IC and I was treated with much relief with DMSO. The treatment has changed some over the years, but I do get relief. Antibiotics can actually make IC worse if you do not have infection. However; it is always important to get a culture to rule out IC if you do find this is your problem. If I went to a doctor that was not familiar with IC and they looked at my urine on any given day (without sending it off for a culture), they would declare I had a really bad urinary tract infection and send me home with antibiotics.

I do not know if CS is ever used with IC treatments, but I am sure someone on the list could tell you. I have heard others mention using CS with DMSO.

Diet also helps considerably with IC, the cranberry juice that many people recommend for actual infections only exacerbates IC, anything acid is irritating to an inflamed bladder. You can get online and check out diets that help with bladder and vulva irritation. There is a product called Prelief, over the counter, mostly calcium, that helps tremendously if you take it before meals when you do eat something that irritates the bladder. Carbonated beverages, caffeine, and highly acidic foods are irritating for most IC sufferers.

The cause is not completely understood, it can be caused from exposures, possibly autoimmune related, virus, hidden bacteria, fungal infections, still mostly speculation.

It is VERY important that you do get cultures done to rule out infection or find out what kind you have and what the bacteria is sensitive to. I have had a few urinary tract infections, that were treated successfully with macrobid, it especially formulated for bladder and is much more easily tolerated than cipro and other antibiotics I have taken. When a urinary tract infection spreads to the kidney it is really a serious problem, so again, get cultured!

With interstitial cystitis (IC), it is hard to distinguish between a urinary tract infection, or IC because generally you feel like you have a urinary tract infection. Most people with IC have frequent urination, especially at night. I have also found that lidocaine gel works when it is an IC flare-up to treat the pain topically when vulvodynia is flared up as well. I have also had my urologist to use lidocaine with DMSO or other installations, I can do them at home also. But, I try to have a culture once a month just to make sure I am not getting an infection.

Hope this helps, I put off getting a culture last fall, felt sure it was IC and ended up with a really bad kidney infection and had to be hospitalized for a week with IV antibiotics, hope I never have to do that again. The infection can quickly spread throughout your body once it enters the kidneys.


----Original Message Follows----
From: debbie cozens <>
Subject: CS>cyctitis
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 07:11:57 +0100 (BST)

I have had bad cyctitis for the past 6 days and my kidneys are startying to hurt..i refuse to go to the doctor for antibiotics..obviously!!!How much CS should i take and how often..please HELP!!!!


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