why vit c and hydrogen peroxide??

Nenah Sylver <ne...@bestweb.net> wrote:
People if you forward this, please remove my email address. Thank you.

>From another list:
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 4:41 PM 
Subject: Switzerland, sale of pure silver made illegal 

Yesterday I received an email from a Swiss friend who told me he went to buy 
silver sticks two days ago, to make colloidal silver -- only to hear the Swiss 
have bought out new Pharmalaws FORBIDDING the direct sale of silver to the 
public for that purpose. This is exactly what he wrote:
"Ich habe schnurstracks angerufen und mit Herrn KOLLEK gesprochen, und ich 
hätte gerade ein rundes Dutzend bestellt, da nun in der Schweiz der 
Direktverkauf von Silberstäbchen an das Publikum nach dem neuen Pharmagesetz 
VERBOTEN ist (!)"  

To my mind set this says four things: 
1)  Colloidal Silver works (otherwise why ban it?) 
2)  If Switzerland has banned it, it's only a matter of time before other 
countries ban it too 
3) It SOUNDS like "they" have something up their sleeves for us 
4) Time to get in your supplies of silver 

I'd also say, get in a good supply of Vit C *and* hydrogen peroxide. 

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