I am new to this list-serve idea, so I hope I have not violated the protocols.  
For clarity, you need to think of charged particles and ions differently.  
Colloidal silver should be, by definition, a charged particle, not a charged 
ion.  The charges on the particle, however, are due to ions, and strictly 
speaking, the charges are formed by the reaction of the particle surface with 
the suspension medium (in this case, as in most cases, water).  Water has a 
nearly unique ability among fluids to ionize into two species:  H3O+ and OH-.  
In chemical terms H3O+ is the correct terminology rather than H+.  (Most 
chemists will agree that H+ actually does not exist in water but is actually in 
the form of H3O+.)
The charge on an ion is not random.  The charge is determined by the 
willingness (or need) of an atom to either give up or accept an electron.  
Because of its position on the periodic table, silver will happily give up an 
electron to create a positively charged ion: Ag+.  The correct terminology for 
two Ag+ ions is 2Ag+.  The "2" in front denotes two ions of Ag+.  It is 
confusing to write Ag2+ because that implies that silver is a divalent cation 
(cations are positively charged).  Ag is not likely, based on its position in 
the periodic table, to form a divalent cation.  It will happily give up one 
electron but not two and definitely not three.  Based on its position in the 
Periodic Table, it might be forced, under special circumstances, to give up 
three electrons, but my guess is (and I have not studied the chemistry of 
silver) that this is quite unlikely.
Ag is located on the Periodic Table directly below copper (Cu), which we can 
use as a learning example.  Cu will readily form either a monovalent cation 
(Cu+) or a divalent cation (Cu++) but not a trivalent cation.  As a direct 
example of the willingness of Cu to change it charge (referred to as the 
valence or oxidation state), Cu added to ceramic glazes will impart color that 
reflects the amount of oxygen in the kiln atmosphere.  Cu is well known among 
ceramic artists in its ability to offer colors that range from blue to green to 
red based on the oxidation state of copper.  Understanding the behavior of Cu 
may help us understand Ag a little better.  
Copper reds, that deep blood red color so coveted by ceramic artists, is 
actually Cu reduced to the metal state -- that is, uncharged small (very small) 
particles of metallic copper dispersed throughout the glaze.  The color comes 
from the particles having a size that refracts light in the proper wavelength 
to produce color, known as Mie scattering.  Copper reds produce color in the 
same way that the sky is blue.  I suspect that the yellow tinge associated with 
colloidal Ag is due to the same effect -- the particle size of the Ag particles 
(colloids) is in the right size range to produce the yellow.  (I am currently 
traveling, but when I get back I intend to look at some colloidal Ag in the 
microscope and get an idea of size.  I will share the pictures if successful.)  
There is also a similar example for Ag colloids in ceramic glazes.  The famous 
ruby glass is an example of undissolved colloidal gold particles dispersed in a 
glass matrix.  
Silver oxide is not a likely compound to form.  If formed it is not 
particularly stable.  I doubt that it will readily form in water, but if 
formed, will likely not be at all soluble.  Ag metal in water has a very slight 
solubility (which I will look up when I return from traveling).  Silver is one 
of the few elements that can be found in its native form (that is, as a metal). 
 Some others are gold, mercury, and sulfur.  Almost all other metals are found 
naturally as an oxide, sulfide, carbonate, sulfate or some other compound.  
Thus Ag is quite stable as the metal (if not, it could not occur that way in 
I hope this is helpful.  If this is helpful, I will provide some information 
about colloids when time permits.  


From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@king-cart.com]
Sent: Mon 10/24/2005 10:43 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>CS & Confusion

Ode Coyote wrote:

>   Ag2 ++
> Would that not, then, be 2 ions?

Yes, you cannot have an anion without a corresponding cation, and vice versa.

> Or would that be 2Ag+ ?

2Ag+ would most likely actually be the dissolved compound of silver oxide.

> What of those magical repulsive forces?

They keep ions apart.

>  Water would seem to be in a muddle.. ey?   The shotgun wedding crowd
> control factor.  :-)
> [Not entirely relevent, but]    What think thee of, say,  Ag3+

Anything above Ag2+ would be a charged particle, not necessarily an ion.  That
starts really getting confusing, especially since we all know that a particle
of silver that is charged should be positive, but according to Frank Key the
zeta measures negative.  That is presumably due to OH- radicals from the water
surrounding the particle, and canceling out the positive charge, yet being
around the particle making the whole thing look slightly negative.

I am not really sure exactly what is going on here, but it really isn't silver
hydroxide since it will not dissolve into water no matter how much you dilute


> Ode [There's an ion, then there's anion...dang!]
> At 10:51 AM 10/21/2005 -0400, you wrote:
> >
> >Ode Coyote wrote:
> >
> >> Hucksters have been using this muddled definition to make small particle
> claims for a long time.
> >>
> >> A better definition is, "A single atom that has lost or gained an
> electron, thus displaying an electronic charge." [To include ionized
> gasses, plazmas and such]
> >
> >No it can be more than one atom. Take silver oxide for example, it is
> Ag2O, and when it ionizes when dissolved it splits into Ag2++ and O--.  ALL
> ionic compounds become positive and negative ions when dissolved in water.
> For instance sodium carbonate will split up into a positive Na2++ and a
> negative CO3--, once again more than one atom.
> >
> >Marshall
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> >Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> >To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >
> >Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> >OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
> >
> >
> >
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