From Ruth Strackbein, Thanks to you, too, Mike.  I am in process of getting my steam distiller fixed.  That is step one toward getting equipped to make cs.  Ruth
From: "M. G. Devour" <>
Subject: Re: CS>Unidentified subject!
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 13:11:04 -5
>Ruth Strackbein writes:
> > To All, do any of you have information about a group called water oz?
> > There is a person in my locality who sells cs water through this
> > company. He claims that one should only use a teaspoon of this stuff a
> > day. He implied that it would be dangerous to use it by the cupful like
> > many of you do. Thanks for any information.
>That's consistent with our experience, Ruth. A couple of people we know
>of developed mild cases of argyria by using Water Oz in quantities in
>excess of that recommended by the manufacturer.
>It's a much higher concentration than the stuff we generally talk about
>here. It's been analysed and shown to be a silver compound, which is
>the only thing that allows it to be of higher concentration to begin
>Yes, it's unsafe to use Water Oz in too large quantities.
>Whether it's safe to use in smaller quantities is something I,
>personally, am not interested in finding out, particularly when low
>concentration, pure silver colloid/ionic preparations are easily and
>cheaply made at home with simple equipment and have so far failed to
>produce similar problems.
>Be well,
>Mike D.
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>[ ]
>[Speaking only for myself... ]
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