RE : Niacin & hot pepper,  I am under a DR's care at the VA.
Yes I split the dose to 3,000 mg twice a day in both  the Niacian & Pepper.  I 
miss very few days, even when I travel.   I have a very good DR. at the VA and 
and since I reduced my High Cholestrol and blood presure meds he sugested this 
, I started with 250 mg twice a day each of both and in the last 8 yrs I have 
went up to the 6,000 mg's for each total per day.. 

 You may have heard of Dr Wield from U. of AZ ?  He is quite famous, well he or 
some of his staff come to our VA as a volunteer once a month, I have typed all 
my herbs, CS and natural supplements a sheet of paper and let them tell me what 
I was doing right or wrong.  I take something like 40 or 50 pills twice a day.  
I drink home made cleansing liver, bowel, gallbladder,colon, kidney, 
& whole body cleanse teas etc.  I have a hobby of a herbalist. I also read a 
lot of books.

I have been sort of a guinea pig for them, they check my blood every several 
months, and do real thouro exams.  Dr. wields assistant, and my Dr. who studied 
under Dr. Wield At U of AZ. said keep doing it.  I am always asked to have my 
Dr. anything new I take so they can evaluate it. My Dr. gets a kick out of me 
because I have brought my blood pressure down to a nice 117 over 65 / pulse 80 
range, and I feel real good except for the beginning stages of arthritis, in my 
hands and back. It is hereditary in my family.  I am the oldest (65)  and the 
only one doing naturals,  my 2 yr younger brother is crippled with arthritis 
since he was 28 yr old, and my 10 yr younger brother is much worse than I am, I 
sill play golf  3 to 4 days a week but sometimes its painful the next day.
Hope this gives you light of what I am doing.  If you continue the Niacin you 
will not flush, I only feel a flush when I miss taking my reg dose , I flush on 
the next one.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dennis Gulenchin 
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:36 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Cold extremities

  Hi Tel,
  (6000mg niacin  WOW-)Do you take this amount of niacin every day or do you 
take a break from it for awhile occasionally? I take just 250mg every day 
except Sundays which I take a day off from all supplements. The reason I ask is 
that someone told me that much niacin is hard on the liver(250mg that is ). I 
also take about a tsp. of 180,000 HU cayenne pepper with food once a day but I 
still have cold hands and feet.

  Tel Tofflemire wrote:

    I have the same experience,
     I use niacin 6,000 mg per day and 6,000 mg of Cayenne pepper 90,000 HU 
(heating units) each. 
    Also I use 1,000 mg of Ginkgo Bilobo per day all the dose are split in  1/2 
am and pm .  I would suggest working up to this amount, 
    and the no flush niacin is less irritating, but I take the normal flush 
kind and like it...It works for me.  I am in my 8th year doing this , 
    with great results.
    Tel Tofflemire
    Dewey, AZ.
    In a message dated 12/21/2005 5:00:15 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
        Does anyone here have experience with ?
        Condition where extremities such as fingers and toes lose circulation 
        become cold.



      I have been pained with the problem for 20 some years. There doesn't seem 
to be a safe way of eliminating the problem. A lot of years ago I took a 
medicine that was supposed to help. It merely made my pulse and BP rise. I 
didn't feel any relief from the cold. I just buy and wear better gloves and 
good socks.   I just try to stay warm...............I live in central Illinois. 

      I'm going on to 72 years young in March. I guess I've proved one can live 
with the problem.

      There seems to be Raynaud's phenomenon and Raynaud's syndrom. Either, if 
the Insurance Companys get wind of can be slighted for getting 

      But being on Medicare............I don't care in my case.
