>From one "idiot" to another,
I recently searched the internet and other sources to find a really good  
home CS generator.  Although I'm no expert on CS (never will be), from  
sources (having no economic interest in recommending any particular  model) I 
gleaned that the SG6-auto home CS generator is excellent.  It  makes clear, 
small particle, light stable CS (easily stored and has a long  shelf life), at 
the strength that you set on the dial, and turns itself off when  reaching the 
desired parts per million. You need only a quart jar, and  distilled water. 
Turn it on, and in around 2 hours it turns itself off and  indicates that it 
finished brewing.
For more information, check out _www.silvergen.com_ 
( .  Call and talk  with Trem; he is extremely 
knowledgeable, and very helpful 
as well.
I have two of these for myself, and purchased two others for family and  
friends.  I couldn't be more satisfied!
Best of luck