I happily oblige with Mike's request to share my email to him earlier this week with the members on this list. Sorry Bob, it will by my one and only contribution on the subject, hope you will forgive me.

Hanneke ~ Australia

Hi Mike

I have been following the mercury discussion for a while but haven't contributed thus far. I think I have written a short post in the past about my health issues which stemmed from mercury poisoning, mainly amalgam fillings. But with the archives down I can't look it up.

I am all in favour of having amalgams removed and I write below why. There is also a support group on yahoo, adult-metal-chelation where Andrew Cutler appears regularly. One can ask him questions directly. I got his book here and dearly wished I had that sort of information when I was dealing with it in the late 70's. Would have been a short cut too incredible to be possible, and I'm sure I wouldn't have felt the lone ranger in my search for better health.

I had a tentative MS diagnosis three months after giving birth to my youngest daughter (1978). The sight in my left eye was gone, and most symptoms I had were said to be consistent with MS (rubbery legs, tremors, band around head, no knee reflexes and other). This was a scary time with still some belief in the medical system left. That latest health hiccup came on top of niggling health issues that I had been experiencing for years ( trouble conceiving, trouble keeping weight on, brain fog, emotional about the tiniest things, ongoing colds and sinus problems, looking not healthy and quite a few others I have forgotten about. Basically, I was always sick with something, and they never could tell me what).

Since I rejected the suggestion of it being MS I started doing my own research (this all started in 1978), it took me 10 full years of doggedly reading all and everything I could get my hands on. Since most of my 'complaints' were said to be in my head, I tried to get access to the library of a psychiatric hospital too. With English being my second language I had trouble understanding all the academic dithering but my searching was on the right track, Was a gut feeling and I just kept going. In 1988 I thought I had enough info to decide for myself it was mercury poisoning, I had to decide for myself coz no doctor was willing to touch it. In their eyes I was a head case in need of psychiatric drugs, just being deluded by the idea of something else causing my health problems. I didn't think I had anything to lose by going ahead following my gut feelings, there wasn't much left of me anyway. I had all my amalgams removed. Was it professionally done?? Apart from the dam in mouth, and following the protocol of having it done in the shortest possible time (1 quadrant per week), I don't think all the guidelines I have been learning about in the last couple of years were attended to, including no chelation program. Only advise I was given afterwards was to drink lots and lots of water.

For me, with my health worn down so much, I was so skinny that a description of bag of bones was appropriate, I was ready for a wheel chair. Suffering severe depression, no appetite to speak of, insomnia, looking like death warmed up and feeling worse...lol
all this changed fairly soon after the amalgams were removed.
The best thing after my dentist worked on left lower quadrant, was that sight in my left eye which had returned over time minus the colour, improved almost overnight!!! I had colour sight in right eye but it never restored fully in left eye after initially going blind in that eye. Removal of the fillings on that quadrant restored most of it and returned to normal in the months following the removal. Was it a filling pressing on a nerve in that section? I will never know. I do believe that a mercury poisoned system is unable to absorb nutrients properly which has a domino effect on every system within the body and culminating in total breakdown.

Further improvements in health occurred. Appetite returned although never been abundant. I looked a 'million' dollars ... lol... people started commenting on how I looked, no longer greyish, sickly, but got colour back in my face. I still had plenty of health issues to attend to which I contribute to the fact that the mercury poisoning had done a thorough job on my overall health and had shot my immune system. I had taken away the source of continuous poisoning but with no chelation program in place , not taken care of the damaging mercury which had settled in tissue. And even after 18 years I am still dealing with some of it. My diet changed dramatically too as a result. Multiple allergy testing (in 1986)brought out that I was allergic to just about anything that others took for granted. Most I have overcome through mercury removal. Dairy is one I will always have to put up with, bit tough on someone who comes from cheese country ...lol.

Over the years I have had diagnosis for arthritis, fibro, ME, possibly lupus, and you name it.. but I can't be bothered sorting through them individually, they all from the same sector: auto immune diseases. Apparently a great milking cow for the pharmaceutical industry. Why treat them as one if you can make people believe they have all these different things ay.

I don't take any medication, not even a panadol.. whatever I do is through alternative methods, electro medicine, herbal, and life style. And best news is, getting on top of most of health probs that surface. I am still looking into finding the trigger for Dercum's, another auto immune system complication, and my bet is that it is mercury poisoning related. Mercury crosses the blood brain barrier and settles on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus deregulating all and everything hormonal, causing the whole endocrine system to go haywire. Unfortunately, most Dercum's people on the support group still follow main stream views and sincerely believe they have all these specific illnesses (which means most are in the process of poisoning themselves with truckloads of drugs to deal with them). Can't get my doctor interested as yet that there might be mercury connection... I might be wrong of course, but I might be right. Planning on a chelation course, not sure what as yet other than chlorella, sulfur foods, Nenah's post looks interesting to say the least.

This is about it Mike...... it has been quite a journey I don't wish on anyone but learned so much, probably would do it all over again ;)

Good luck with the removal of mercury.  Chelation is an important part of it.


PS: I knew I forgot something: my confirmation that it was mercury poisoning was when I needed 3 HepB vaccinations ( work on ambulance) which caused slight neurological symptoms to return. This was in 2000. A required bloodtest didn't show antibodies and was offered a 4th one to 'fix that'. Instead I asked what was in vaccinations : Thimerosal, derivative of Mercury. NOT impressed. About that time I obtained computer and got internet here, the rest is history...lol.