What is being used to prove viral existence are indirect test methods which tell absolutely nothing.
Dr.  Stefan Lanka

         The use of antibiotics continues to rise globally and use by
poultry producers has risen by over 300% per bird since the 1980s. In the US
alone, over 12,000 tons of antibiotics are used each year. With
disease-causing organisms so prevalent on factory farms, it is not
surprising that farmers have resorted to the widespread use of antibiotics.
The routine use of antibiotics is particularly attractive to farmers as many
of these substances have an as-yet poorly understood ability to promote the
growth-rate of the animals to which they are administered. So farmers, in a
desperate battle to contain the bug-explosion on factory farms, and in order
to maximize profits by pushing growth rates ever faster and faster, are
routinely dosing farm animals with a whole range of different types of
antibiotics. But evidence is emerging that several of these antibiotics,
used in vast quantities in farming, are jeopardizing the effectiveness of
similar antibiotics vital in human medicine.

          Just over a year ago the American Public Health Association
called for a moratorium on the building of new industrial animal farms until
more scientific data on their risks had been collected but world governments
and health authorities focus only on H5N1 and its danger to humans without
addressing in the least, the real source of the avian disease.

          People tend to believe whatever they are told and that's the way
it has become in modern medicine where doctors believe in many great lies,
which they give blind faith to. Western allopathic medicine is pathetic in
its unsighted belief in the virus, its pet demonic threat that is always
ready to come down and strike us to death. It's the most successful scam in
the history of the world, and they get eighty percent of the world to
literally bow down, pull down their pants, and accept their immunization
shots because they are the only solution to supposedly deadly viruses.

          But you will never meet any person who can prove viruses to exist
in dangerous forms, certainly not the retroviruses. Obviously something
exists down on that level of reality. Protein bits, little junks of life,
biological debris. "We live with an uncountable number of retroviruses.
They're everywhere -- and they probably have been here as long as the human
race," says Dr. Kary Mullis. Dr. Lanka adds, "It is being maintained that
these short pieces of genetic material, which in the sense of genetics are
not complete and which do not even suffice for defining a gene, together
would make up the entire gene substance of an influenza virus."

           Samuel Jutzi, director of the United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organisation Animal Production and Health Division advocates the
use of vaccination in poultry even though what the chickens are dying from
has probably much more to do with the horrific conditions they are forced to
live with. That in their sickness they are demonstrating small protein
clusters called retroviruses is insignificant to the tremendous
environmental terrorism they are forced to endure. But health officials will
have their way. More millions will be made in vaccine sales and nothing will
change for chickens and the poisoned meat (arsenic, bacteria, hormones,
antibiotic residues etc.) that comes to our plates.

         In February 2006, southern Russia was hit by a second wave of bird
flu that killed over a million birds. No human cases have been registered.
Vaccination has begun in Daghestan and Stavropol Territory, another southern
region, where about 260,000 fowls have already been inoculated. Some 8
million doses of the vaccine have been delivered to southern Russia. We read
a report like this in a newspaper and take it as fact; bird flu is killing
these birds but is it?

          The viral story hit the mainstream this month when Harper
Magazine (March 2006 issue) ran a 13 page article titled "Out of Control:
AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science," which focused much attention on
Dr. Peter Duesberg, a professor of molecular and cell biology at the
University of California, Berkeley, and a leading AIDS dissident.

     The orthodox view of HIV as a direct killer of
      human immune cells has been thrown out.
     How could HIV kill so many T cells if one could not
      detect significant numbers of free HIV in a patient's blood?

                 Dr. Peter Duesberg

          Dr. Deusberg insists that there is no proof that HIV causes AIDS,
and he is in a position to know. There are many hefty scientists and medical
people around the world who do not believe a word from the CDC on AIDS.[vi]
Most people do not know that it is almost impossible to isolate live virus
from AIDS patients; a crucial point that Duesberg has been making for almost
ten years. "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is not the cause of AIDS
because it fails to meet the postulates of Koch and Henle, as well as six
cardinal rules of virology," wrote Deusberg in HIV Is Not the Cause of

         When it comes to Hepatitis B they have gone after the babies of
the world.  Injecting new born babies with mercury for some illusionary
viral danger that 99.9 percent are not at risk for is more than a bad idea.
True medical insanity was born on this one. We live in an insane medical
world and 90 percent of the people don't know it. Medical religion is the
new religion of the world and there are more alters to it than the church
ever had.

          Almost all of us believe in the terror of viruses and buy into
the fear the medical industrial complex insists we should have about them.
If they say so it must be so. When it comes to avian flu we have a massive
cover up of a food production system that rivals in every way the death
camps of Nazi Germany. We are merely witnessing the beginning of the end of
a way of life that insults life. One way or another we will pay dearly for
our mistakes and nowhere is this more true than when it comes to what we are
doing with the food supply. We are allowing industry to poison us but are
being mislead to fear something else. The simple fact that health officials
are not warning us of the real danger speaks miles about the trust we should
put in them about their warning of viral infections.

     Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
     Director International Medical Veritas Association
     www.skype.com ID: marksircus

     International Medical Veritas Association
     Copyright 2006 All rights reserved.

      IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The communication in this email is intended for
informational purposes only. Nothing in this email is intended to be a
substitute for professional medical advice.

     To unsubscribe write to direc...@imva.info


     [i] Mother Earth News. Issue # 159 - December/January 1993

     [ii] CNN News


     [iv] Extrapolation of data published by USDA's National Agricultural
Statistics Service (NASS) by FARM: http://www.farm.org For report pdf:

     [v] USDA http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/aug98/viru0898.htm

     [vi] Through the years the CDC added new diseases to the grand AIDS
definition. The CDC has virtually doctored the books to make it appear as if
the disease continues to spread. In 1993, for example, the CDC enormously
broadened its AIDS definition. This was happily accepted by county health
authorities, who receive $2,500 from the feds per year under the Ryan White
Act for every reported AIDS case.

     [vii] Duesberg, Peter H.Science, Vol. 241, pp. 514-517, July 29, 1988:
1) HIV is in violation of Koch's first postulate because it is not possible
to detect free virus (1, 2), provirus (3-5), or viral RNA (4, 6, 7) in all
cases of AIDS. Indeed, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has established
guidelines to diagnose AIDS when all laboratory evidence for HIV is negative

         2) In violation of Koch's second postulate, HIV cannot be isolated
from 20 to 50% of AIDS cases (1, 9-11). Moreover, "isolation" is very
indirect. It depends on activating dormant provirus in millions of
susceptible cells propagated in vitro away from the suppressive immune
system of the host.

         3) In violation of Koch's third postulate, pure HIV does not
reproduce AIDS when inoculated into chimpanzees or accidentally into healthy
humans (9, 12, 13).

         4) In contrast to all pathogenic viruses that cause degenerative
diseases, HIV is not biochemically active in the disease syndrome it is
named for (14). It actively infects only 1 in 104 to > 105 T cells (4, 6, 7,
15). Under these conditions, HIV cannot account for the loss of T cells, the
hallmark of AIDS, even if all infected cells died. This is because during
the 2 days it takes HIV to replicate, the body regenerates about 5% of its T
cells (16), more than enough to compensate for losses due to HIV.

         5) It is paradoxical that HIV is said to cause AIDS only after the
onset of antiviral immunity, detected by a positive "AIDS test," because all
other viruses are most pathogenic before immunity. The immunity against HIV
is so effective that free virus is undetectable (see point 1), which is why
HIV is so hard to transmit (9, 12, 13). The virus would be a plausible cause
of AIDS if it were reactivated after an asymptomatic latency, like herpes
viruses. However, HIV remains inactive during AIDS. Thus the "AIDS test"
identifies effective natural vaccination, the ultimate protection against
viral disease.

         6) The long and highly variable intervals between the onset of
antiviral immunity and AIDS, averaging 8 years, are bizarre for a virus that
replicates within 1 to 2 days in tissue culture and induces antiviral
immunity within 1 to 2 months after an acute infection (9, 17). Since all
genes of HIV are active during replication, AIDS should occur early when HIV
is active, not later when it is dormant. Indeed, HIV can cause a
mononucleosis-like disease during the acute infection, perhaps its only
pathogenic potential (9, 17).

         7) Retroviruses are typically not cytocidal. On the contrary, they
often promote cell growth. Therefore, they were long considered the most
plausible viral carcinogens (9). Yet HIV, a retrovirus, is said to behave
like a cytocidal virus, causing degenerative disease killing billions of T
cells (15, 18). This is said even though T cells grown in culture, which
produce much more virus than has ever been observed in AIDS patients,
continue to divide (9, 10, 18).

         8) It is paradoxical for a virus to have a country-specific host
range and a risk group-specific pathology. In the United States, 92% of AIDS
patients are male (19), but in Africa AIDS is equally distributed between
the sexes, although the virus is thought to have existed in Africa not much
longer than in the United States (20). In the United States, the virus is
said to cause Kaposi's sarcoma only in homosexuals, mostly Pneumocystis
pneumonia in hemophiliacs, and frequently cytomegalovirus disease in
children (21). In Africa the same virus is thought to cause slim disease,
fever, and diarrhea almost exclusively (22, 23).

         9) It is now claimed that at least two viruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2,
are capable of causing AIDS, which allegedly first appeared on this planet
only a few years ago (20). HIV-1 and HIV-2 differ about 60% in their nucleic
acid sequences (24). Since viruses are products of gradual evolution, the
proposition that within a few years two viruses capable of causing AIDS
could have evolved is highly improbable (25).

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