Here is part of an email I got from one company that tells about regrowing the 
cartilige and joints. Might be intresting to look into jsut for theinformation 
they provide.


A Recipe for Healing Your Joints; Cartilage and Discs Can Be Regrown.

We have seven years of outstanding client results with healing back and
joint pain!

Regrowing cartilage is a natural process of the body. You would not 
any in your joints if it were not already a natural function of the 
to grow cartilage. Regrowing cartilage in the joints requires a
combination of ingredients.

Listen to how this has helped one person.

When the proteins of your joints and discs degenerate you will have
joint and back pain. The back pain is caused because the space created
by the disc for the nerve coming out of your spinal column is less than
it should be; consequently it pinches the nerve. Chiropractors provide
an excellent service in mechanically manipulating your back to 
pain. The adjustments a chiropractor can make to your back can help to
allow interstitial fluid to get into your discs and nourish them. Since
the discs have no direct blood supply, it is the gaps made in-between
the discs that allow for interstitial fluid to get into the discs.
Creating these gaps can be accomplished by yoga, proper back exercises,
chiropractic adjustments and by using an incline table. The root of the
problem comes from thin discs. Thickening the discs is the key to
healing your back pain stemming from pinched nerves. Nutrition is the
key to addressing the regrowth of you discs in your back. Yes you can
regrow the discs in your back, I know because I've talked to several of
my clients over the last 7 years who've done so on the programs that
I've gotten them on.

You might be asking what causes the tissues of the back and joints to

One of the reasons your discs and joints are degenerating is because
your diet produces too many acid wastes as a by-product of your
metabolism. Phosphoric, Nitric, Sulfuric, Carbonic and Lactic Acids all
combine to threaten the stability of your blood pH. Your blood pH must
remain at a constant 7.35 to 7.45 otherwise you die. The crisis goes
like this in the body. Excess acids threaten blood pH and the oxygen
carrying capacity of the blood. The parathyroid releases calcitonin to
dissolve bone calcium. Bone calcium is now used to neutralize the 
acids in the body. This goes on all day long 7 days a week causing
osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and joint and disc degeneration. This
excess acidity is occurring in part because our soils have lost 75% of
their calcium levels and nearly all the trace minerals. Without this
food based form of absorbable calcium we all run chronically deficient
in the one key mineral nature intended us to have enough of to
neutralize acids in the body.

Step 1. Restoring and alkaline tissue pH as indicated by Saliva pH

What is the Best form of Calcium?

Calcium Carbonate? No. Calcium Amino Acid Chelate? No. Calcium from
Oyster Shell, Lime or any other rock form of Calcium? No. In order for
Calcium to work it must be highly absorbable and taken in large enough
quantities to neutralize enough of the acids in your body to create a
more alkaline pH. This alkaline pH (as reflected in your Saliva pH) 
protects your body from bone loss. The Hunza people live to be 120 to
140 years of age. They consume 18 grams a day of calcium suspended in
their water plus what they get in their food. The recommended 1500mg 
day for women is insignificant to what the body really needs. If it 
significant then it would prevent or reverse Osteoporosis, but for 50
years now it has not stopped osteoporosis in millions of American 
Typical calcium pills, liquids and powders are not very absorbable. 
Cal is different. It supplies your body with Calcium Oxide. This form 
Calcium is immediately available to your body as blood plasma calcium.
This means almost immediate use by the bones to remineralize them. Nano
Cal offers the body Calcium Oxide and Magnesium Gluconate. Calcium 
is so powerful that it changes the pH of neutral water from 7 to 10.
This is 200 times stronger in its pH alkalinizing power than Coral
Calcium. Coral Calcium is an excellent source of Calcium and we have
seen great results with it for the last 10 years. However, Nano Cal is
now even stronger and more impressive than Coral Calcium when it comes
to remineralizing the bones. We are hearing some very quick and
favorable results with people using Nano Cal. Gum recession is caused 

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