I heard Dr Agatha Thrash give a talk several years ago.  She told of a  case 
where a nurse had been bitten and had surgery twice but it just kept on  
rotting, for a better word.  the
nurse was afraid of losing use of that hand which meant giving up her  job.  
They did as
Debbie mentioned.  Charcoal poultices.  If you mix with flaxseed  whizzed in 
the blender with a small amount of water, it keeps the charcoal  moist.  It 
has no power if it is dry.
In a message dated 5/18/2006 1:27:01 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
darn_it...@hotmail.com writes:

Charcoal.  I say that because I'm not sure on the cs although I  would start 
drinking that down too.  
I have the book Rx:Charcoal by Agatha Thrash, MD and Calvin  Thrash,MD.  They 
have three cases with these bites where they  made charcoal poultices or 
compresses and changed them every 30 minutes  for about 8 hours or so and then 
lengthened the time between changes to 2 and  then 4 hours.  All cases of bites 
To make a charcoal compress for it, dissolve in water a spoonful or more  of 
charcoal powder ( enough to make a sufficient paste to cover the area to be  
treated), or crush several tablets in plain water.  Spread the paste on a  
folded piece of paper toweling large enough to cover the area to be treated  
mold the compress to the area.  The toweling should be moistened with  the 
paste.  Cover the compress with a piece of plastic cut from a bread  bag or 
plastic bag, large enough to overlap the compress on all sides by  at least 
one inch.  
I'm thinking though that if you don't have charcoal that maybe clay would  be 
the next best thing since it works along the same lines of drawing toxins  

----- Original Message ----- 
From: _Barbara_ (mailto:barba...@tampabay.rr.com)  
To: _silver-l...@eskimo.com_ (mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com)  
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 1:47  PM
Subject: CS>Brown recluse bite

Hi Everyone, 
Please, I need help for my friend's  10 year old kid that got bit by a brown 
recluse spider this last  night.  His parents took him to ER but they did not 
do anything at  ER saying that there is no antidote to this spider bite.  They 
 wanted to give the kid steroid for swelling and told them to watch it and  
when the wound turns black, take him to the doctor.  
I'm just thinking that there must be  something natural for it? 
Would anyone know if CS will  help?  Or anything else?  How about black 
salve?  Will that  help?  
If anyone knows anything, please,  share.  Thanks.