Carol Ann, 
Hi, Not Ole Bob here, but instead Sasha. I am one of the thrilled users of
CMO, short for Cetylmyristoleate. I bought it at Whole Foods and it is
Jarrow brand. I only take one a day, and the results are truly outstanding.
I like Bob, was headed for a wheelchair, without a doubt, having barely any
cartilage on my left knee. The benefit from the use of CMO was quick. I
could feel the difference within a week. 
CMO is a powerful anti-inflammatory and a highly purified fatty acid ester
which some believe can reprogram memory cells, hence, heal arthritis and
reconstruct damaged joint tissue. Although, coffee is to be eliminated, I
still have my one cup in the morning, and then take the CMO two hours after
that. I also take serrapeptase and many other supplements too, it is the CMO
that is doing the repair.
'Ole' Bob wrote: 
Please clairfy, what does CMO stand you say, its been a few months
since it was mentioned. 
Robert Berger <> wrote: 
About two months ago there were almost 100 posts on CMO, but to date no one
has reported any benefit received from it. So I will. During the first 10
days of April I took the 60 pills of Jarrow CMO, and as expected noting
happened until later. 
When I got up on May 18Th I found that I could walk with out limping and the
knee pains were almost gone. As of today I still am enjoying the wonderful
effects of CMO on my knees. .....

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