Hello everyone,

I'm back from Colorado where I had 11 amalgams replaced, plus 3 wisdom 
tooth agenesis sites cleaned out. 

It was pretty tiring, fitting in everything that had to happen, while 
simultaneously trying to sleep on one of the worst beds we've ever had 
in a hotel. <sigh> That said, the Huggins' people and the dentists and 
their staff did a superior job of keeping everything going and on 

I've had no "Eureka!" moments post revision, but my jaw is settling 
down reasonably well and I'm satisfied with the quality of the 

Rosie was impressed with the individually tailored supplementation 
based on blood chemistry. We had a couple of very nice consultations 
with Dr. Huggins. It was helpful that Rose has similar training and I 
can at least keep up with what they're saying. So we were able to 
discuss things with him at a slightly more technical level than most 
people are able to.

Rosie's comment was that Huggins is solid on the things she knew 
anything about, and that his more speculative theories are "at least as 
likely as anything else" she's heard of. High praise indeed, from my in-
house skeptic and reality check. <grin>

We also had the chance to meet one of our members, Wendy, who was there 
for her dental revision with her husband and lovely children.

What lies ahead: Continue taking the suggested supplements and do 
follow up blood, urine and hair analyses at 3 and/or 6 months out; do 
cleanses of various sorts -- baths, saunas, C-flushes; wait and see how 
I feel as things normalize and stabilize.

I kept a fairly close eye on the list while on the road, thanks to 
Rosie's new laptop and the availability of broadband internet at nearly 
every hotel in the country these days. 

I missed a batch of messages early last week because the kids left my e-
mail program open here for a few extra hours, which downloaded a bunch 
of messages before I could see them on the mail server from the web 
interface I was trying to use. If anybody sent me anything I have not 
responded to, please get in touch with me again?

There are a couple of interesting bits of news from our experience that 
are relevant to CS, which I'll get to over the next few days.

I'll answer any questions, at least in brief. Thanks for keeping things 
well in hand while I was distracted. You make me proud. <smile>

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>