Now this is interesting.....why does this combo work?....debbie

Staya Udanvti Bob Butler <> wrote:          Subject: For 
people who want to stop smoking REALLY works

This REALLY works. I have had friends that have done this and they haven't  
smoked in 2 some 3 years now.
Stop Smoking
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
8 oz. orange juice
Mix cream of tartar and orange juice
Every night drink at bedtime
Next morning nicotine comes out in your urine
Next day you will smoke fewer cigarettes
By the end of the month you will be down to nothing
Some people it only takes 10-15 days
Others it takes 30 days,  it is according to how many cigarettes you smoke the  
more you smoke the longer it will take.
Cheap and is very easy and it works.

Staya Udanvti
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Scott 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 11:53 AM
  Subject: CS>Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD

  Hey, Folks
  My wife was diagnosed with early-stage COPD about 3 years ago and continued 
to smoke cigarettes.  She is now in a non-reversible, advanced stage of COPD 
and continues to smoke.  She can hardly breathe, the doctors will not put her 
on oxygen, she takes colloidal silver daily (2oz. of 5-10PPM) and almost daily 
- H2O2 (digestable, food grade - 35% hydrogen peroxide, 5 drops in a 16 oz 
bottle of water).  She is only 46 y.o. and my lifemate.  I do not want to lose 
her.  Are there any suggestions you folks have to cure or slow down the COPD?  
She does have a plan in place to quit smoking and she begins that this next 
week.  Thanks again for your input.
  Scott Young <><
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