The Goat is young approximately 8 month's. I have spoken with University of Tennessee Vets and I monitor his temperature 2 x day. He is getting antibiotics suggested by University of Tennessee Vets. They are a 60 mile drive one way.
Local vets. We'll I have not found knowledgeable and caring so far.
My husband went to get an antitoxin and then sent a toxoid.
\I honestly do not have faith in them.
I have raised horses for 25 years and have the equivalent of a vet tech from the state I lived in before.
Temp was down to 101.2 this a.m. and was at 102.3 last night.
It has been as high as 103.2. If he needs fluids I can administer same.
I agree a vet would be in order, but I hesitate at the talent available here. By the way on my EPM horse in order to get her a new prescription he stressed the hell out of her. I don't believe he understands the disease.
So back to vets.
Can't find one that I trust so far. I have far more stories when we used vet services here. A mare with a hole down to the bone that they charged a lot for but could not cure . CS brought her back. The last time I really tried a vet.
Sorry for my ramblings, but I have no faith and fear more harm than good.
Mary Ellen Fox
Camelot Farms Arabians
Parrottsville, Tennessee, USA
home of: CCS Hilm Tahakkak 86.45% Crabbet bred stallion

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 6:19 PM
Subject: CS>Silver and a goat


How old is this sick goat?  Too young to ruminate?

I have used colloidal silver on a baby goat before and it seemed to work.

Another question, if the rumen is dead, wouldn't probiotics help an older

Lots of unanswered questions and ones that would have to be addressed before you could possibly treat it. The vet would ask many questions. Temperature
would be my vet's first question, then what have I done to treat my goat,
what are the symptoms and many more questions.  An animal can't talk.

Seems to me a vet would be in order.



"Like cow's milk, *goat's* milk is low in essential fatty acids, because
*goats* also have EFA-destroying bacteria in their *ruminant* stomachs.
*...                    "                  goats are ruminant animals,
that is they feed, then they bring the food back up, and chew it to
digest it. giving the goat eis would destroy the stomach's good
bacteria, and it would not digest its food.
> jim wrote:

I am new to the silver list. We have a very sick goat. Is there any reason
why cs can not be used on a goat?
Mary Ellen

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