Not quite.  

I think you're becoming confused because you are equating "electron
flow" with "conventional current."
They are not the same thing.  

It is intuitively easier to understand electron flow as current flow,
however, at one time long ago someone had to decide which way current
flows and they chose the "wrong" way...  So, engineers use "conventional
current flow" which flows from plus (+) to minus (-), and technicians
and all the rest of us use "electron flow" which flows from minus (-) to
plus (+) and call it current.

So, for our purposes, to recap, the minus side is the cathode, the
electrons stream out from it, and the anode collects them back up, and
is the plus side.

(Clear as mud, right? ;-))


-----Original Message-----
From: bs clayton [] 
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 10:58 AM
Subject: CS>definitions

When I was in school,  cations were the positively charged ions in a
rxn, anions were the negative.
Similarly, I thought the cathode was the plus side of the battery, the
anode the minus side.

So I looked it up in my World Book, and it says, and I quote,

"cathode, noun. 
1. a negatively charged electrode. In an electrolytic cell or electron
tube, electrons flow from the cathode to the anode. The filament in most
vacuum tubes is a cathode. 
2. the positive terminal of a battery or cell that sends out current.
The carbon electrode in a dry cell is the cathode. Also, kathode. "

This must mean the same thing, but since I am only now having my coffee,
it looks different.

To recap, the plus side is the cathode, the electrons stream out from
it, and the anode collects them back up, and is the minus side.

Is this right?  Kathryn

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