We are just NOT in control of other people. I've been trying for umptyump years to convince my husband to get off aspartame. No luck, he admits it "probably" is bad, but has the mindset that "it hasn't hurt me yet", and "everybody's gotta die of something". The only thing I can do is not drink it myself. Finally after most of my 60 years I got off caffeine this year. No luck stopping decaf coffee and tea though, I do know they contain a minimal amount and I'm not sure they are any better for you than the caffeinated versions, and may be worse because of the hexane (?) or other stuff used in the process. But at least the caffeine isn't messing up my blood sugar anymore. Re statins, I think half of 3/4 of my town takes them.I've heard of some with nasty side effects, for which the docs just Rx additional drugs. Real push to get everyone with cholesterol of 200 on statins. No one cares to hear anything against either the drugs or their doctors who prescribe them like candy. All I can do is decline to take them myself, which I just recently did. I have friends who think I'm taking a life and death risk not to get flu vacs anymore ( I have EIS now, yay!), and the local vet was dire when I stopped getting my cats vaccinated. I didn't panic about SARS, West Nile, or the bird flu. Thankfully, as I age, I've become far more resistant to such hysteria, but a lot of my resistance is because I have EIS and that allows me to feel a certain independence from the conventional medical establishment. I understand the fears of those who cling to it, but I'm really glad I'm no longer in that place.

Dee wrote:

You and me both Peter! The trouble is, most people *believe* that vaccinations and drugs are actually *good* for you, and it is almost impossible, I have found, to persuade them that this isn't the case. I have found so much information and have personal detrimental knowledge of some drugs (i.e. Statins) and tell it all to my close friend but to no avail. She stubbornly believes that the doctors and pharma only have her welfare at heart (even when she was prescribed Vioxx!) and will not be swayed. Hey ho, we can but try! Dee

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