My friend Harry has been making his own CS and I mentioned argyria
to him. He responded =

None of my reference books mentions it, but I'll keep looking.
I used it (CS) in almost every type application from ingestion to
intravenous application to mouth wash then swallowing it.
I'd  put 3 cc at a time injected in my scrotum about 3 times
a week, with no side effects, except the next day or two
I had an abundance of energy. I did this for the last 6 months
that I had symptoms of Cancer. (Peeing blood). The medical people
wanted to remove my bladder !
That would be 10 years ago this March 27th.

With all the chemicals in the air, and with each of us having
a different chemical make-up, it's a wonder that any of us are still alive.


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