Doris said,
>From everything I've read and heard about cs I get
the idea that you can't store it in anything but glass
or clear plastic containers.  Why can't you store it
in white or green or any other colour container?  A 2
liter pop bottle wouldn't make the water as smelly as
some of those other ones?<

The only problem with storing CS in glass is that the
silver particles stick to the glass sides ("plate
out") after awhile, which means less in the water. All
my glass containers, after awhile, start to turn
yellow on the insides. I fill them with tap water and
pour in a bit of H2O2 and allow to sit for an hour and
it dissolves the yellow off the sides.

Clear soda pop plastic never has this experience, that
I've noticed. By *clear*, I mean what you can see
through. It's fine if it's green, just as long as it
is clear.

The whitish plastic that you find containing milk is
too soft, I've heard, and the plastic dissolves into
the CS.

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