the only place i know of to buy it around here is at a liquor store.
everything they sell is dangerous to consume orally...many dangers...and for
many also many pleasures.
i miss sipping whiskey with my cigars, but hep-C means forget about alcohol
absolutely, and sugar junk also a very good idea.
but if i were swishing grain alcohol in my mouth to kill an infection i
wouldn't worry about swallowing a little bit unless it was denatured, which
from a liquor store it wouldn't be.  but as a regular CS swisher, why would
i have to even do that?  my gum disease is gone, and probably no

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Cinder Ella []
  Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:15 PM
  Subject: CS>Grain Alcohol

  Someone on this list mentioned that grain alcohol was dangerous to consume
orally.  I apologize to the rest of the group that I don't remember who this
was.  I sent that person an email direct to save the group from reading off
topic emails but got no answer.  Does anyone know the answer to this or is
that person still out there?  Can you tell me of your experiences?

  Now you can have a huge leap forward in email: get the new Yahoo! Mail.