Hello, Jody,

It is indeed a surprise to find a close relative to the very famous Dr. Paul Ehrlich, whom I admire very much!!

As you probably have already found out, Ehrlichiosis is a very serious disease that if not properly diagnosed and treated in due time, can be deadly.There are thousands of deaths due to it every year all over the world, including of course USA. Nowadays there is no country free from it.

Veterinarians, mainly the ones that deal with dogs and horses, are quite familiar with the disease, specially Ehrlichia canis, E. platys, E. equi, E. phagocytophilae. There are several types that are affecting humans, like Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis (HME), Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (HGE), E. chaffeensis, E. ewingii and others. Just in case they were not enough, in addition in Venezuela we have Human Plaquetary Rickettsia, Venezuelan Human Ehrlichia and maybe one or two others...!!! (We are so proud of them...!!). I have two of them.

Very unfortunately human medicine has neglected the dangers of this emerging disease, and it keeps spreading and causing very serious problems of all types amongst humans, which in most cases contract it fom ticks from their own dogs. In urban areas dogs become reservoirs mainly of Ehrlichia ewingii, and the main vector by which they transmit it to humans is ticks, but actually fleas, lice, ¨horse flies¨(Stomoxis calcitrans), and in general any hematophagus insect, including mosquitoes, is a potential vector.

In countries with warm and hot climates, like in most of our country, including Margarita Island, Venezuela, where I live, around 95 per cent of dogs are infected with the disease, and usually can be expected that around 40% of their owners and handlers are also infected.

Very fortunately Ehrlichiosis is in most cases self limiting. It can produce sympthoms that resemble practically any disease, like colds, flu, coughing, chronic fatigue, measles, chicken pox, headaches, amigdalitis, mononucleosis, hepatitis, diabetes, diarrhea and many others, even HIV-Aids. It is very common to also have some type of skin rash and very high temperature in the acute stage which does not give way using anything except the specific antibiotics that are effective against the disease.

If diagnosed early, it can normally be cured with very few antibiotics, of which the most common ones suggested by both human MDs and veterinarians are oral Doxicycline or intramuscular Tetracycline. Only two or three others are also effective, some being tested.

In my case, it was misdiagnosed as "maeasles with neumonitis" and the MD prescribed me a "shotgun treatment" which included Azytromycine and two other antibiotics, none of them effective against Ehrlichiosis, plus antiallergics, fungicides and a whole array of useless trash.

I only tried two antibiotics, one of them Azytromycine, and almost died.

I managed to stabilyze myself using other alternative treatments, but in the meantime it had invaded all parts and organs in my body, including bone marrow, and become chronic.

Since I discovered this list and, with the big help of many of its members, began making and using several times a day a good quality EIS, I have definitely improved on the disease and have a clear plan on how to cure myself, using other protocoles besides silver, of which I already was using several during years, like urine therapy, cayenne pepper therapy, magnesium chloride, cream of tartar, and I plan to soon include salt-C, which seems to be very effective against Lymes disease, which is not produced by a Rickettsia but by Borrellia burgdorferi (a spirochette), but has a quite similar sympthomatology and is also very hard to erradicate. I am planning to eventually also use for some time DMSO to try to get EIS into hard reaching areas. Of course, not everything at the same time.

Very fortunately I have always been extremely healthy and, even with chronic Ehrlichiosis/Rickettsiosis that I have had for around 11 years, I never ever got sick, not even a cold, headache, or anything, except during the Ehrlichiosis crisis 11 years ago. My heart and arteries are like those of a healthy young man (normal blood pressure around 110/65). I attribute this to my healthy way of eating (mainly raw food like tons of fruits and vegetables including the hottest peppers available) and plenty of physical activity (farming, swimming, snorkeling, jogging, bycicling, hiking and others that I at 74 still do several of them daily). Now that I am using EIS it will even be harder for me to get sick!!.

I feel confident that I will eventually get up to the last one of these unicellular bacteriae, no matter where they are hiding. In the meantime, silver is getting everyone that circulates around in my blood.

Thank you for your interest, Jodi, I hope this information will answer several of your questions that were not asked.

Take care.


From: "Jodi W Menard" <jwmen...@cox.net>
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>EIS-Salt/C question.
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 23:44:07 -0600


In my trying to get a cure for
Ehrlichiosis I have been using home made EIS

with a noticeable improvement in my health.

Hi Carlos -

I was so shocked to see 'Ehrlichiosis' in your post.  My great great
great Uncle (don't know how many greats to insert here) was Paul
Ehrlich, the German bacteriologist who invented the cure for Syphillis,
and apparently whom this disease is named after. Thing is, before I
read your post and looked it up, I didn't even know there was a
condition named after him.  Big surprise and I can't wait to tell my
Mom.  Anyway, while I was looking it up, I found the page below which
states that antibiotics have cured this condition in the past, so the
CS really should do it, and I guess that's why it has helped you.  Have
you considered upping your dose?  Sometimes we need alot.  Sure can't
hurt if you make it properly.  Anyway, thanks for the thrill there. 
[grin]  Not that I'm happy that you are suffering mind you!  I sure do
hope you recover quickly and completely. 

See http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri=/journals/bulletin_of_the_history_of_medicine/v072/72.4silverstein.html

for full article


receiving antibiotic treatment for ehrlichiosis, they recovered."


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