Dee said,
 I found this article on the web Terry, and looking at
what you have written, it is mainly wrong!  Could you
have a look and see what you think?  If it is wrong,
then how can such as the BBC publish such nonsense?  <

The BBC will publish whatever the official position is
on pretty much everything, the same as the mainline
media does in North America.

The problem concerning what the medical establishment
tells us nowadays about heart disease originally
started with some fairly logical but erroneous
early-century science.

During the early 1900’s, various manifestations of
heart disease began to occur. The first few cases of
it were misdiagnosed because the doctors had never
seen it before. As the incidents of it began to
increase, the medical scientists began to pay closer
attention to it. They discovered that every case of
heart disease was accompanied by high blood
cholesterol, and they came to the conclusion that high
blood cholesterol caused heart disease. 

In reality, they got the cart before the horse. Heart
disease causes high cholesterol, not the other way

By the time the doctors discovered their error (well
over 30 years ago), two things had occurred. 

First, they couldn’t very well come out with a public
statement like, “Whoops! Hey, folks, we got it
backwards, but it’s OK, we have it right now and you
can trust us again.” The medical High Priesthood never
apologizes nor admits to error.

Secondly, there was a burgeoning, highly-profitable
poly-unsaturated oil industry, plus the doctors were
making major dollars doing heart surgeries and other
expensive heart disease treatments (not to mention
lucrative statin and other drugs).

Eighty years ago there was a health issue that
occasionally occurred in seniors, but which has become
the number two killer of seniors today. I’m talking
about Alzheimers disease (AL). For about 80 years or
so the doctors have been warning us away from
“high-cholesterol” foods, and the public has dutifully
complied. But if your body doesn’t get the cholesterol
it needs from your diet, it will scavenge it from the
best sources it can find within the body. Guess where
the largest reservoir of cholesterol is in your body?
Your brain is composed of 70% cholesterol!

Now let me see: 80 or so years ago AL was quite
uncommon. For the last 80 or so years folks have been
running from eggs, butter, etc. Today AL is the number
two killer of seniors. I can do the math.

When a client tells me they have high blood pressure
or heart disease, I put them on 2 eggs per day,
minimum. Of course, I impress on them the importance
of buying eggs from healthy, back-yard chickens that
run around and eat like they were designed to do.

Terry Chamberlin

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