You posted on the silver-list,
> My daughter-in-law sent me an e-mail this morning
saying that our grandson's doctor wants to test him
for autism. He does seem to have some of the
characteristics, namely repetitive actions and delayed
speech. He just turned 2 years old a few weeks ago, 
I'm trying to find the best protocols to deal with it.
Does anyone have any experience with how to do the
detoxing? <

Go to:

This product is having amazing results with autistic
children. It is sold through network marketing, which
increases the price, but I have seen astounding
results in my area with it. If I had an autistic
child, I would not hesitate. Ask them to refer you to
a local distributor. Ask them how you can get info
about its use for autism. If you become a distributor,
it lowers the price by more than the cost of becoming
a distributor.

Terry Chamberlin


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