"MONDAY"S ENCOUNTER" a bilingual Serbian Canadian radio program airing every Monday on CKCU 93.1 FM in Ottawa and on line atwww.ckcufm.com .
Monday, Oct. 18, 2004 at 6:00 P.M. EST on CKCU 93.1 FM in Ottawa The US presidential election due to be held on November 2, 2004 is in full swing. Even though the election has turned nasty earlier than any in modern history, experts predict voters will remain engaged in the political process - and probably go to the polls in large numbers. What is Kerry's policy towards the Balkans? Would Kerry continue Clinton's anti-Serb policy and appeasement of Islamic forces in the Balkans? Will American Serbs be able to organize themselves and be viewed as a serious block vote for Bush? What is SERBIAN-AMERICAN VOTERS' LEAGUE? Host Boba Borojevic is joined by * Dr. SRDJA TRIFKOVIC, director of Center for International Affairs at Rockford Institute, USA [*E] http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/News/Trifkovic/NewsViews.htm http://www.serbianna.com/columns/borojevic/010.shtml http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/pertep COMMUNITY NEWS // VESTI IZ NASE SRPSKE ZAJEDNICE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -Cincert: in three cities - Ottawa --- Montreal --- Toronto ----- PAVLE AKSENTIJEVIC and the group ZAPIS in Ottawa "SOUNDS OF MEDIAEVAL SERBIA". Petak, 29. oktobra, 2004 godine u 19:30. Ulaz $15.- Alumni Theatre, Carleton Uni, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa. Tickets available at: EURO FOOD & ALIMENTS Tel: (613) 228-0008, (819) 777-3883 EGOS EUROPEAN FINE FOODS 3600 Riverside Drive, Tel: 260-9172 http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/pertep/lst?&.dir=/Koncert+Concert&.src=b c&.view= l ------------ - FUNDING DRIVE for our radio station CKCU 93.1 FM starts on October 22 - Nov. 7, 2004. You can pre-pledge if you go to: www.https://media6.magma.ca/ckcu.magma.ca/pledgeform.html Do not forget the name of the Show that you are pledging to: Monday's Encounter - BOJAN MANDIC MANDIC otvorio skolu folklora "Mladost" u Otavi. Probe Srpskog Folklornog Ansambla Mladost odrzavaju se svake nedelje, od 5 do 8 casova, u sali "Villa Marconi". (1026 Baseline Road, Ottawa). www.mladost-online.com Tel: (613) 234-1262 ili (613) 794-4351 (*E) - Comment in English (*S) - Comment in Serbian **To hear the whole show (after the airiring) please go to: http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/pertep Boba Borojevic, producer Tel: (613) 852-1971 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://ckcu.magma.ca/audio.html Srpska Informativna Mreza [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.antic.org/