Studies in National and International Development (SNID) Queen's University,
Kingston, ON. Canada
Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004 at  1:00 P.M. 
Queen's University
Kingston, ON, Canada
Building: Machintosh-Corry (MC), Room B204 

Ambassador JAMES BISSETT (ret.)
Will speak on:
"The NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia and the 'Democratization' of Kosovo." 

James Bissett was Canada's ambassador to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania.
He is widely recognized as one of the foremost authorities on Balkan

For further information, please call  Mr. Jon Sears, Tel. (613)533-6000,
Ext. 77421

SNID events are open to the public.

SNID has served the Queen's development community since 1983, each year
organizing a diverse program of visiting and local speakers discussing an
eclectic range of development-related topics. SNID has also organized
several major workshops and conferences, which have provided the basis for
numerous publications. SNID serves a large, varied constituency of faculty,
graduate students, undergraduates, and community participants.

                           Srpska Informativna Mreza

                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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