"MONDAY'S ENCOUNTER" a bilingual Serbian Canadian radio program airing every
Monday on CKCU 93.1 FM in Ottawa at 6:00 P.M. and on line at www.ckcufm.com

She is a first-year student at Carleton University majoring in International
Business. She  looks forward to pursuing a career in International Law. She
enjoys volunteering within the local Serbian community. She is beautiful.
She is only 18. She is Miss World Canada 2004 and her name is Tijana
How did she become Miss World Canada? What is the proudest moment of her
life? (besides winning the National Title). What is her  main duty as Miss
World Canada 2004?
To find our "Monday's Encounter is joined by:

- TIJANA ARNAUTOVIC,  Miss World Cabada 2004 [*E]


(*E) - Comment in English
(*S) - Comment in Serbian 

To hear the whole show pls. go to:  http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/pertep
(go to CKCU and pick the show)

Boba Borojevic, producer
Tel: (613) 852-1971

"SUSRETI PONEDELJKOM" dvojezican srpsko-kanadski radio program mozete da
slusate svakog ponedeljka u 18:00 h na raido talasima CKCU 93.1 FM ili  on
line (direktno)  atwww.ckcufm.com, ili u bilo koje drugo vreme :

- TIJANA ARNAUTOVIC  je pobednica na takmicenju za Miss World Canada 2004.
Koji je put prosla do osvajanja titule najlepse Kanadjanke? Koje su njene
obaveze kao Miss World Canada? Koji su joj buduci planovi , a kakve

Odgovore na ova pitanja potrazili smo od Tijane licno.[*E]

(*E) - Comment in English
(*S) - Comment in Serbian 

Da cujete ceo program posle zvanicnog emitovanja idite na stranicu:
http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/pertep   ( zatim izaberite CKCU i show
kojeg zelite da cujete)

Boba Borojevic, urednik
Tel: (613) 852-1971

                           Srpska Informativna Mreza



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