Raimund Meyer
Disinformation: Operation Serbia 

The war against Serbia actually began a long time ago, with the first
attempts to manipulate the public opinion against Serbia, in the beginning
of the 90's. These manipulations have been carefully ordered, planned,
organized, structured, scheduled and realized. Their generic name is
"DISINFORMATION OPERATIONS". Disinformation is an extremely powerful and
formidable weapon. The successes of disinformation operations toward Serbia
have led to several wars, huge destructions and sufferings, hundreds of
thousands of killed, wounded, deported people, without noticeable reaction
of the public opinion other than a more or less tacit and passive approval.
I hope the following brochure will help to understand what is
disinformation, how it works and how to fight against it.  

Disinformation: Bases 

What is disinformation ?  
The disinformation is a manipulation of the public opinion, for political
purposes, with an information processed by diverted means.  

What are its goals ?  
- at the enemy : to demoralize, weaken, disintegrate, destroy it.  
- at home : to neutralize and drive the masses in order to make them go in
the desired direction at the desired moment without resistence. Success in
this area is mandatory in any democracy, which is in fact nothing else than
an apparent dictature of the majority.  

How to do it ?  
- Discredit the authorities of the opposing country, imply them into illegal
operations, shake their reputation.  
- Discredit and hold up to ridicule everything which is good in the opposing
country. Its traditions, its religion, its faith, its army, its history. The
aim is to destroy the identity of a people.  
- Weaken the adversary. Encourage and make him a slave of his passions (sex,
money, wealth, power) in order to make him paralyzed and without resistence.

- Destroy the adversary by dividing him. Excite some against others, young
against old, women against men, political wing against political wing.  
- Accordingly, do exactly the contrary in your country. Make the nation
united in the same spirit and having the same will, reinforce the trust in
your power, your institutions, your leaders.  

With what methods ? (deals essentially with disinformation "at home")  

1) Devilization (always say as much evil as possible about the potential

2) Manicheism (present one side as 100% good, the other as 100% bad and
It is the principal characteristic of every violence apology : in a first
step, the adversary is presented as a horrible monster, in order to produce
a disgust reflex. Moreover, it has the advantage to make the fiction more
appealing than the reality, because, not necessitating any reflection, the
fiction becomes easier to understand and to assimilate. It works
particularly well with primitive and low educated people.  This specific
feature is characteristic of the american culture. Indeed, in practically
every american movie, one find the following elements, based onto an
appropriate use of human passions :  
- good guys
- bad guys
- baddies do appalling horrors, which excites in the audience various
passions like hatred, disgust, desire of vengeance, revenge, violence,
murder, etc...  
- When the audience is excited enough and dominated by its passions, goodies
perform the so desired and long-awaited bloody massacre of baddies. Baddies
die in horrible sufferings, the audience is happy and satisfied, and
passively absorbs the thesis : "it is justice". Snakes Pliskens, Ramboes,
Rockies, die hards, Schwarzies, Charles Bronsons, judges Dredds, punishers,
various warriors, cartoons, Batmans, Chucks Norris, dirty Harries, star
wars, aliens, predators, independence days, etc.. are archetypes of such
primitive scenarii (including Bill Clinton saying "It's the war of Good
against Evil" ! ).  

3) Repetition. "A lie repeated one thousand times remains a lie, a lie
repeated one billion times becomes truth" (Goebbels). Repeat and repeat
again what you want people to believe in.  

4) Hyperbolic inflation of the stakes. (Say that the entire Europa and
probably later the whole earth will be transformed in a blood bath if you
don't intervene).  

5) Polarisation. ("If you are not with us, you are against us", "if you
refuse to kill, you will be a murderer").  

6) Invoke God's punishment. ("God bless America").  

7) Metapropaganda. (The art of making suspicious everything coming from the
adversary). Never call opposing media "informations source", but always
qualify them as "rough liars" and "propaganda tool".  

8) Black propaganda. (Simulate a propaganda from your enemy, and subtly
inject subversive ideas into it).  

9) Appropriate use of false facts (lies).  
- Make the adversary say what he didn't say ("He is against the bombing, so
he is for Milosevic").  
- Make the adversary say what he didn't say, but by using what he said
elsewhere (hotchpotch) ("You said that you don't hate Milosevic, so you like
- Make the adversary say what he didn't say, but what you guess he would
have said if he were fair. (For example, attribute to Milosevic violent
anti-albanian speaches, while he never did any)
- Publish false informations, fakes, rigged images.  
This method can be used extensively and without caution : indeed, only the
first announcement does matter. Further denials have NO EFFECT on public
opinion. Nevertheless, since it is always possible to bring a lie to the
fore, and in order to maintain an impression of objectivity, denials are
steadily published, generally in small letters and at a discreet place.  
- Suggest false or unproved things.  
In order to avoid the unpleasant impression left by too frequent denials,
another similar technique consists of suggesting false events by using
conditionals (would, could, should) and various adverbs like "perhaps",
"probably", maybe", "allegedly", "supposedly", etc.. that allow to say
anything without having to deny afterwards. The use of quotes (""), which
allows to associate suspicion and doubt to anything, is abundantly used by
written media.  

10) Appropriate use of true facts.  
The pursued goal here is not to inform, but to obtain a given effect. There
are several ways to exploit a fact. It can be asserted/negated,
magnified/minimized, approved/disapproved, or simply passed over in silence.

 No mention of the fact ("What you dont speak about does not exist."
- Negation of facts (And accuse the other of lie. Say that civilian targets
are military).  
- Inversion of facts (Present the torturers as victims. In our moralizing
and victimophilic time, the compassion reflex is immediate).  
- True/false mixing, in various proportions (Multiply by xx 10,000 the
number of supposed victims, the losses of the enemy, etc...)
- Motif modification ("The goal of the operation is highly humanitarian").  
- Circumstances modification ("This war is a defence operation against an
- Blurring (Flood the fact in a mass of other facts, overinform with useless
information. Start a war in order to make people forget about the
president's lies, lack of honesty or sexual errings).  
- Camouflaging (Blow the ones up out of all proportion, minimize the
- Interpretation (Use of highly appropriate and oriented wording). This
technique allows to associate precise ideas to facts.  
- Generalization (Transform individual to collective. Find a couple of
Serbian criminals, and say that all Serbs are criminals)
- Illustration (Inverse of generalization. Say that in every war there are
innocent civilian casualties, and that Serbian victims are just the
unavoidable illustration of this axiom).  
- Quantitatively unequal parts. (Publish only interviews of Albanians, none
of Serbs). (Organize a public "objective debate" with pro- and anti-, let
pro speak 90% of the time, anti 10% and interrupt them permanently).  
- Qualitatively unequal parts. (Organize the same "objective debate", make
both parts speak equally 50% of the time, but... invite for pro an
academician, PhD in psychology, having a deep knowledge of the situation and
used to speak publically, and for anti a seller of hamburgers).  

How it works ?  
The very best disinformation service that ever existed, the "A" department
of the First Principal Direction of the KGB, often followed this method :  
- collection of elements allowing to substantiate a given disinformation
- choice of a theme
- recruiting of relays to spread the disinformation
- action (with the help of "resonance chambers" (e.g. influent people),
whose function is to maximize the effect of the disinformation)
- creation of a psychotic hysteria leading people to perform
"self-disinformation". This last point, psychosis and hysteria, is the
typical and specific feature of a successful disinformation operation,
leading to a quasi-unanimity in the public opinion. Self-disinformation is a
kind of quasi pathologic state where people voluntarily get, see, hear only
the information which agrees with the disinformation theme. It is

How it is realized ?  
A disinformation operation comprizes the following elements :  
- the agent (the actual realizer)
- the customer (or beneficiary)
- the marketing study (choice of best adapted supports)
- the supports (facts or informations. True or false is not important)
- the relays (to ensure information transfer and spreading)
- the theme ("Serbs are not people like others")
- the processing of the theme (the actual methods used in the operation)
- the resonance chambers (influence agents)
- the target (e.g. the public opinion)
- the psychosis (obtained if the operation is successful).  
The success of a disinformation operation is usually proportional to the
ignorance of the population on a given subject, and to the amount of its
prejudices. Obtaining psychosis and self-disinformation in the target is the
supreme goal of any disinformator. One must have in mind that disinformation
is only superficially aimed at intelligence. In fact, it is aimed at
emotional centers, guts, instincts, irrational behaviours, primitive fears
and reactions, emotional reflexes. Instinctive and emotion-driven behaviour
automatically short-circuits the action of intelligence and reflection. It
actually eliminates any critical analysis capability of the target, who ends
defenceless in the hands of the disinformator.  

Disinformation: Examples 

Example of different possible uses of the SAME true fact :  
Here is a demonstration of different ways to comment the SAME FACT. The fact
is "the dog ate the meat" and the mission is to innocent the dog (I hope you
will enjoy).  
- OK it's the dog, but yesterday it was the cat.  
- What meat ?  
- It was only a small half-pound piece of the several tons of meat stored at
this place.  
- It was a small piece of an old burned meat, forgotten in the refrigerator.

- The meat was placed in the dog's plate, who BTW just licked it, despite of
the fact that he didn't eat for three days.  
- He didn't eat it, he just gave it to his girlfriend.  
- It's a five years old German shepherd, who last year saved his master from
drowning. He watches the house, brings him the newspaper every morning,
barks and eats a lot.  
- The plate of the meat was made of blue earthenware. It was a 4 pounds
turkey. The dog was locked up inside the house because of the rain and cold.
It is the neighbour who let him eat the meat.  
- Dogs are unhappy in flats because banks do not give low rate loans in
order to build individual houses.  
- Noodles so-and-so allow to avoid this kind of problem.  
- It is pitiful, masters who let their dogs starving.  
- An eyewitness testified that a wandering dog ate it.  
- There has been a TV emission explaining that dogs are not responsible
unless they have received a correct education.  
- Be careful ! One has already said that he bited somebody 3 weeks ago,
while it was another dog. Were you here when the meat disappeared ? No ? So
first find the meat, before accusing this poor dog with so many slanders.  
- The dog died : the meat was poisoned.  

The same, with "an Albanian killed a Serb".  
- The day before, twelve gypsies have been killed at the same place.  
- What Serb ?  
- This war has made several tens of thousands of victims of both sides.  
- He was heavily wounded and dying. The Albanian felt pity for him and put
an end to his sufferings.  
- He was under surveillance like the other prisoners, and then he tried to
escape and began to run. One of the guards shot him at the legs, but
unfortunately the bullet striked him at the head.  
- The Serb first shot at him, and he replied to enemy fire.  
- He is a very experienced officer. He belongs to one of the most famous
elite units of the KLA. Those guys receive specific training for special
reconnaissance missions in advanced enemy territory and are used to execute
their mission in very small groups or even alone, in extremely severe
- The Albanian stumbled and the shooting happened by mistake.  
- He saw that the situation was desperate, but he prefered to commit suicide
rather than surrender.  
- A good equipment, an appropriate training and a commandment by experienced
officers would have allowed to avoid this kind of incidents.  
- The KLA strength has been so much reduced after years of war, so they have
even incorporated ex-convicts.  
- An eyewitness testified that he was killed by NATO peacekeeping forces,
during a peacekeeping operation.  
- These people know only war since their birth. They have seen their entire
family killed and their homes burned. To remove such a hatred will take
years and years.  
- Be careful ! Were you here when he was shot ? No ? So first find the
responsible, before accusing all the Albanians of being murderers.  
- He has not been killed : he just died naturally.  

Dictionary of "appropriate wording" :  
- assassinate = kill, when your enemies are killing.  
- mass grave = where your enemies have buried your friends.  
- war criminal = who makes war and is not of your side. Very often (and
perfidiously) used to indicate someone indicted for war crimes and not yet
sentenced guilty.  
- extremist = more extremist than you.  
- fascist = to be pronounced first by you, because it can be applied to you
as well as to your enemy.  
- racist = who makes a difference between Islam and Christianity. 
- terrorist = who uses violence and is not of your side.  
- deviationist = in a political group, who does not agree with you.  
- totalitarian = politics of your enemy.  
- fanatic = someone who believes in something different than you.  
- nationalist = who loves his country and is not of your side.  

Example of use of appropriate wording (interpretation) :  
In the following list, there are two different ways to describe the SAME
FACT. Note that whatever formula is chosen, it can perfectly be inverted
from pro- to anti-, and there is no way to be accused of lying or even
distorting the truth.  
- Serbs are killed, Albanians are massacred or assassinated.  
- Serbs dig mass graves, Albanians dig tombs or communal graves.  
- A Serbian soldier with a Kalashnikov is a sniper, an KLA soldier with a
Kalashnikov is a freedom fighter.  
- Serbian corpses have battlefield wounds, Albanian corpses have traces of
- Serbian refugees are leaving Kosovo, Albanians refugees are ethnically
cleansed from Kosovo.  
- A Serbian refugee convoy is a line of cars, an Albanian refugee convoy is
a deportation.  
- Ethnical cleansing of Albanians is an atrocity, ethnical cleansing of
Serbs is a logical payback.  
- A smiling serbian soldier is arrogant, a smiling KLA soldier is happy.  
- Serbian soldiers are slovenly-looking, KLA soldiers clearly suffer from
equipment problems.  
- Serbian civilians killed by NATO are collateral damage, Albanian civilians
killed by NATO are a terrible mistake.  
- Serbian civilians killed by Albanians are war casualties, Albanian
civilians killed by Serbians are war crime victims.  
- Milosevic is Milosevic, Clinton is the President of United States Bill
- There are Albanian eyewitnesse's concording testimonies reporting that...,
there are Serbs saying that...  
- Serbs living near a military target are neighbour population, Albanians
living near a military target are a human shield.  
- A successful Serbian attack is a slaughter, a successful KLA attack is a
- Serbian nationalists are extremists, Albanian nationalists are patriots.  
- Serbs commit atrocities, Albanians commit exactions.  
- Ten torched Serbian houses are a brutal reality, ten torched Albanian
houses are evidence of Serb savagery.  
- Serbs insulting Albanians are making terror reign, Albanians insulting
Serbs are angry people taking revenge for their humiliation.  
- Serbian soldiers take muslim enclaves, Albanian soldiers defend their
- The Krajina is liberated by the Croats, the Bosnia is occupied by the

Disinformation: Operation  Serbia  

1) The agent.  
The public opinion manipulation agency in charge of the Serbia operation was
Ruder Finn Global Public Affairs.  

>From June to September 1992, Ruder Finn has :  
- had 30 meetings with the main press groups
- diffused 13 exclusive informations
- sent 37 last minute faxes
- sent 17 official letters
- submitted 8 official reports
- given 48 telephone calls to White House members
- given 20 telephone calls to Senate members
- given about 100 telephone calls to media influent personalities.  
Throughout their activity against Serbia public image, they actively
participated in :  
- Islamic Conference emergency session on Bosnia-Herzegovina (Istambul
- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki July 1992)
- Conference on Former Yugoslavia (London August 1992)
- United Nations General Assembly (October 1992)
- OIC in Jedda
- UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva
- meetings with State Department
- meetings with National Security Council officials They also organized
various private meetings between the Bosnia foreign minister and :  
- former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in London
- vice presidential candidate Senator Albert Gore in New York
- Saudi Ambassador to the US Prince Bandar in Houston
- President Bush
- Secretary of State Baker in Helsinki.  

2) The customer (or beneficiary)
Officially, Ruder Finn had as customers the Republic of Croatia and
Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as the albanian opposition in Kosovo. Such a
unanimity is suspect, and it is probable that Ruder Finn has been suggested
to them (and helped) by some kind of 4th customer, probably some US
department (still not proven, but highly suspected after information
publication about CIA role in Bosnia war).  

3) The market study
The original situation was very difficult, because :  
- Serbs fought heroically against nazis during WWII
- the nazis founded a Croat state, whose actual croats openly claim to have
their roots in
- bosnian muslims have been massively engaged during WWII in the 13th SS
division "Handschar", known for its atrocities
- albanian muslims have been massively engaged in the 21th SS division
- these SS and croatian ustashis performed a genocide of Jews, Serbs and
- Franjo Tudjman wrote a book published in 1989, "Wastelands of historical
truth", clearly antisemitic. He also openly admires Ante Pavelic.  
- Izetbegovic published in 1970 an "Islamic declaration", clearly racist and
claiming a super-islamic state. The only positive point was the tremendous
lack of knowledge of Balkan's history in the population. This point has been
fantastically exploited.  

4) The supports
The first support used by Ruder Finn was the publishing by the New York
Newsday of articles about prisoner camps, where muslims were kept.  

5) The relays
The stroke of genius of Ruder Finn was to ensure a relaying by Jewish
organizations. The single word "camp" was enough to disturb this community,
and Ruder Finn immediately organized meetings with three Jewish
organizations :  
- the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League
- the American Jewish Committee
- the American Jewish Congress.  
Ruder Finn then suggested them to publish an article in the NY Times, and to
organize a demonstration in front of the UN. To make Jews support muslims
against christian Serbs was an extraordinary gamble, and it worked
perfectly. From this moment, the media started to have a strong anti-Serb
attitude and to use a heavily emotion-loaded language : "ethnic cleansing",
"concentration camps", "deportation", etc... The disinformation theme was
straightforward :  

6) The theme was : "Serbs = Nazis".  
Despite of the incongruity of this theme (Serbs have been the most anti-nazi
people of the Balkans), the absolute general ignorance about History made it
work. This theme was so strong so that it has been assimilated immediately
by the media (who love sensationalism), and it was IRREMEDIABLE. Everyone
trying to defend the Serbs were depicted as pro-Nazi. This theme is used for
almost 8 years now, and is still very successful.  

7) The processing of the theme (other supports) Seven other main supports
have been used in this operation : 

- Destructions
Emphasis has always been put on eventual destructions performed by Serbs.
Since they were not sufficient, false information was used. "The city of
Dubrovnik has been entirely devastated" (Paris-Match, November 29, 1991).
Dubrovnik is actually intact. "Strategic point for the Serbs, the Vukovar
bridge was an architectural marvel..." (Actuel, December 1993). There is no
bridge in Vukovar, the photography was the bridge of Mostar, and it has been
destroyed by the Croats. "The village of Cetekovak has been razed to the
ground..." (L'evenement du jeudi, September 12, 1991). Cetekovak is intact.

- Ethnic cleansings
The expressions "ethnic cleansing", "deportation" have been intentionally
used by the media in order to recall WWII atrocities and to reinforce the
theme. While expulsions were practiced by all parts, no media ever reported
that a half million Serb refugees have been "ethnically cleansed" from
Bosnia and Croatia.  

- Camps
The Serbian camps were absolutely ordinary and had nothing in particular.
This required the use of fakes and bogus information. "The picture that
fooled the world", a photography of an emaciated man, behind barbwires, was
the first fake (made by Penny Marshall (ITN) and Ian Williams (Chan4),
worldwide published August 6, 1992). On the original image, the emaciated
man is surrounded by not-emaciated ones. The man, Fikret Alic, was not a
prisoner, but a refugee. The Trnopolje camp was a refugee camp and not a
prison. The refugees were outside barbwires, the reporters inside. There
were no barbwires around the camp, and the barbwires were those of a
neighbour pasture.  

The publishing of this picture produced:  
- a huge hysteria campaign in the media ("Belsen 92", "The Proof", "The
picture of the Holocaust and concentration camps", "Survivors of Auschwitz",
"Evidence mounts on executions and beatings in Serb-run camps")
- an emergency meeting of the cabinet of British prime minister John Major,
at which it was decided to send British troops to Bosnia.  
- Democratic Party candidate Bill Clinton and running mate Al Gore asked
president George Bush to take military action against Bosnian Serbs.  
- Nato staff (in Brussels) started to plan a military intervention in the
Balkans. (The fake was denounced by Thomas Deichmann. ITN admitted the truth
in the High Court in April 1997 - five years later). Image of "Muslim
prisoners in a Serbian detention camp", with a skeletal man (Time cover
photo, August 17, 1992). The man, Slobodan Konjevic, 37, was Serb and has
been arrested and confined on charges of looting. He was skeletal because of
suffering from tuberculosis for 10 years. The 1992 BBC filming of an ailing,
elderly "Bosnian Muslim prisoner-of-war in a Serb concentration camp"
resulted in his later identification by relatives as retired Yugoslav army
officer Branko Velec, a Bosnian Serb held in a Muslim detention camp.  

- Rapes
The idea of "rape camps" was positively outstanding. The media hysteria was
general (titles : "Rape by order", "Rape horror", "Rape camps", "A pattern
of rape"...), and people started to believe in the existence of a
"systematic rape plan". In reality, rapes happened not more than in any war,
and have been performed by all sides. In 1992, the Bosnian government
claimed that 50,000 muslim women have been raped, information abundantly
relayed by the media. After investigation, Amnesty International published
in January 21, 1993, a report where the issue of rape was qualified as a
"propaganda weapon". Later on, the UN Commission of Experts on War Crimes
identified only 800 victims - Muslim, Serb and Croat -. The hyperbolic
inflation of numbers is well illustrated by the following testimony: "When I
was at 50 kilometers from Tuzla, I was told 'go to Tuzla high school ground,
as there are 4,000 raped women'. At 20 kilometers, this figure dropped to
400. At 10 kilometers, only 40 were left. Once at the site, I found only 4
women willing to testify." (French television reporter Jerome Bony, Envoye
Special, quoted in French magazine Le Point).  

- Gasses
The April 10, 1995, "Le Soir", a belgian newspaper, published that Serbian
police have used tear-gas. This information has been relayed and transformed
as follows:  
"Serbs use gasses" (Die Welt, April 10, 1995).  
"American spokesmen established that in Zepa, Serbs have used chemical
weapons" (NBC Handelsblad, July 28, 1995).  

- Mass graves
The expression "mass grave" has something frightening and has been
extensively used. Its emotional content overcomes the fact that there are
people killed in every war, and these people must be buried somewhere.  

- Massacres
The amount of casualties was dementially inflated, and every death was
attributed to Serbs. In February of 1993, the Bosnian government, relayed by
the international media, published the estimated number of 250,000 victims.
The International Red Cross later on estimated the figures at 20-30,000. Not
published. It is interesting to note that the Sarajevo massacre, very
probably performed by Bosnian muslims (UN analysis report by Reuters, Feb.
18, 1994 and David Binder article Oct. 2, 1995, "The Nation"), has been
willfully and deliberately used as a pretext for NATO operations against
Serbia, with FULL KNOWLEDGE OF THE FACTS (Publishing of a talk between M.
Jean Daniel and M. Juppe, French prime minister "Le Nouvel Observateur",
August 31, 1995).  

8) The psychosis.  
The psychosis and hysteria became total. Some titles and expressions found
in the media :  
"the daily horror", "the criminal madness of Serbian commanders", "horrors
without equivalent in Europe since at least a half-century", "particularly
bestial rapes", "there are, on Serb side, war criminals", "the terrible
confession of the atrocities committed by a young Serb", "the black part
which is in every human being [...] is here, in all its horror", "rape is
actually a crime against humanity", "Bosnia the shame", "everything
indicates a deliberate will of humiliation, annihilation of beings where
Serbs have been the principal actors", "Serbs created a hell", "ordinary
cetnik : repeater rapes and murders", "Serbs reached a new step in war
horror", "the damned of Europe", "at the end of hatred", "silence, one
kill", "back to the hell", "shame camps", "Mladic butchers", "the mad
psychiatrist", "the most terrifying action the UN ever participated to",
"the greatest betrayal of UN", "the ultimate step of an aberrant politics
devoured by its own logic", "Satan himself could not have imagined a so
cruel thing", "a monster of horror movie that you believe dead and in
pieces, and whose each tentacle inflates and get autonomous life"...  

The gigantism of the "Operation Serbia" gave rise to number of false notes.

- A child killed by a sniper in a bus (Sarajevo, Aug 1992) called "muslim"
by the TV. The funerals show Orthodox ritual.  
- A 1992 TV report showing Serb victims in Vukovar, reprinted with the
caption "Is there any way to stop Serbian atrocities in Bosnia?" (Newsweek,
Jan 4, 1993)
- Reports of massacres of 14 muslims and then 10 muslims supposedly killed
by Serbs (CNN March and May 1993). The victims later turned out to be
Serbs.Not corrected.  
- Photo of a Croat woman from Posusje grieving for a son killed in Serb
attacks (NY times Aug 1993). Fightings in the Croat village of Posusje were
between Muslims and Croats and have caused 34 Bosnian Croat deaths,
including the son of the woman in the photo.  
- A photo of a woman in front of the grave of her son, presented as Croat.
The name is written in cyrillic, she is Serb.  
- A photo of a tortured man with the 3 main fingers cut, presented as
muslim. He has his wedding ring at the 4th finger of its right hand, he is a
- Armed paramilitary men, particularly sinister, presented as Serbs. They
wear the Croat check pattern insignia (Corrected and apologized by "Le
Nouvel Observateur", No 1470 and 1473).  
- Testimony of Anisa, a child, saying that she saw Serbs cutting noses and
ears in Tuzla. Tuzla has never been occupied by Serbs.  
- Images of a fragments of a downed "Mig-29" (CTV Mar 26, 1999, 22h42).
There is a mention in english "ANNUAL INSP" +references painted on one of
the fragments.  

As a conclusion, Serbia is now synonym of Nazi Germany, and the Serbian
people, sentenced to poverty and slow death by years of embargo and full
devastation by the US+NATO coalition, is now considered by all the West as
the parias of mankind. The "Operation Serbia" has been 100% successful.
Congratulations. Sad but true.  

                           Srpska Informativna Mreza



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