www.ckcufm.com -- "Monday's Encounter" -- ON AIR and over the internet on March 19, 2007 at 6:00 P.M. EST-- TO HEAR the show after the airing, click to: http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/pertep (go to CKCU and pick the show) =================
Gusle is a very old instrument played all over the Serb lands. Its songs were basic and often the only way to hand down traditions and memory of Serb people during the rule of foreigners. To hear how Gusle sounds and some old traditional songs by guslars, we are joined by: - Guslars MILOS SEGRT and DJORDJE TANOVIC performed at the Serbian Christian Orthodox Church St. Stefan in Ottawa on Friday. ---- Najava....Najava....Najava....Najava...Najava....Najava... Upcoming concert:.. ** DANCE EXTRAVAGANCA CONCERT IN OTTAWA Academy of Serbian Folk Dancing- Miroslav Bata Marcetic Kiwanis and International Competition 2006 and 2005 winners Canadian Museum of Civilisation (Auditorium)- Ottawa/Gatineau Saturday, March 31, at 7:30 P.M. Tickets : $ 20.- Call: 613-562-3394 http://marcetic.com/upcomev.htm ---- ** Pomen zrtvama NATO agresije Subota, 24. mart 2007 u 11:00 h Srpska Pravoslavna Crkva St Stefan 3662 Albion Road S., Otava ======= Boba Borojevic, host / producer E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://serbianna.com/columns/borojevic/ http://f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/pertep http://www.novinar.de/2007/03/18/nagrada-dzejms-biset.html Srpska Informativna Mreza sim@antic.org http://www.antic.org/