11.080 Zemun, Маgistratski trg 3.

Tel. 3077-028, Fax: 3077-247, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

No. 388/07 – 27. 02. 2007.

The Government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in exile is honored to
welcome diplomatic- consular departments in the Republic of Serbia and
to notify them about the fact which has not been mentioned by anybody so
far, but is linked to one of the reasons of German support of Croatian
anti-constitutional separatism from Yugoslavia since 1990-1995.

The Government is mentioning that Croatia was the state of two
ethnicities (Croatians and Serbs, like Belgium). Therefore, Croatian
rulers have avoided to announce the separation from Yugoslavia according
to the Constitution (by which it was predicted), since then the Serbian
"no" would be valuable as much as Croatian "yes". In that case,
Croatians would be able to constitute their own state upon their
ethnical and historical territories, not Serbian – the ones which did
constitute Republic of Serbian Krajina since 1991-1995.

The Republic of Germany was always the most supportive state of the anti
- constitutional separatism of Croatian rulers. Besides, Germany decided
to take such a statement since she was co-executor of genocide
atrocities upon Serbs, Roms, and Jews in Yugoslavia, during World War
II. Having in mind that the request for war damage is not getting out of
fashion, Germany would (in the case that Yugoslavia stayed united) have
been the only one responsible for these atrocities and genocide-related
crimes and she would be obligated to pay for the war damage. That is why
she decided to support the separation of Croatia, by which the Croatia
became the descendent of fascistic Independent State of Croatia together
with the Muslim-Croatian Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Therefore, Germany probably assumed that International Court of Justice
in Hague could release her of responsibility for these genocide related
crimes – because in Republic of Croatia is appearing a legitimate guilty

The Government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in exile is kindly
asking Diplomatic Consular Departments to notify their governments also
about this dimension of partition of SFR Yugoslavia and causation of
civil war from 1991-1995.

The Government of the Republic of Serbian Krajina in exile uses this
opportunity to repeat to diplomatic consular departments in Republic of
Serbia the expression of her high honor.



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