<http://www.novosti.rs/> SAD: Udri po Srbima! SAD: Udri po Srbima! V.N. | 28. oktobar 2010. 20:57 | Komentara: <http://www.novosti.rs/vesti/naslovna/aktuelno.69.html:305569-SAD-Udri-po-Srbima> 3 Holandski general svedočio o borbama u Sarajevu dok je važio embargo na oružje. Van Bal: Muslimani teškim oružjem gađali položaje. CIA u armiji BiH Adrianus van Bal (levo) HAG - U nastavku suđenja Radovanu Karadžiću pred Haškim tribunalom, svedok optužbe Adrianus van Bal potvrdio je da je Armija BiH u leto 1994. kršila primirje oko Sarajeva vatrom iz teškog oružja u zoni u kojoj je ono bilo zabranjeno. Holandski general Van Bal bio je načelnik štaba Unprofora u Sarajevu od februara do avgusta 1994. Svedok je precizirao da je ABiH u avgustu 1994. napala položaje VRS minobacačima od 120 milimetara, koji su morali da budu pod kontrolom Unprofora. ZLATNA MEDALjA GENERAL Van Bal je rekao i da mu je tadašnji premijer BiH Haris Silajdžić rekao da vlasti u Sarajevu "idu na zlatnu medalju jer su u međunarodnoj javnosti pridobili simpatije kao žrtva, kao i podršku SAD". Na pitanje Karadžića zašto muslimansku stranu nije bombardovao NATO, kao što je početkom avgusta napao srpske snage, Van Bal je odgovorio da Unprofor nije mogao da locira oruđa u Sarajevu. Van Bal je kazao i da je, posle prve eksplozije na pijaci Markale, u kojoj je 5. februara 1994. ubijeno više od 60 građana, "postojala velika spremnost srpske strane da se nađe rešenje, ali pod njenim uslovima". - Nisam bio u Sarajevu u vreme eksplozije na Markalama, a Unprofor nije mogao da utvrdi odakle je tačno doletela granata. Snage UN nisu imale pristup tunelu kod koševskog stadiona u kojem je ABiH držala teška oruđa - dodao je svedok. Holandski general potvrdio je i da je 1994. u Sarajevu bilo "mnogo Amerikanaca iz CIA". Prisutan je bio i bivši komandant NATO, general Kelvin, za koga je čuo da su ga vlasti BiH "unajmile kao vojnog savetnika". Na Karadžićevu sugestiju da to znači da je Unprofor znao za kršenje embarga na uvoz oružja, Van Bal je posvedočio da je "stav Amerikanaca tada bio - ukinuti embargo i udarati po Srbima". THE HAGUE - In the trial of Radovan Karadzic at the Hague tribunal, prosecution witness Adrianus van Bal confirmed that the BiH Army in the summer 1994th violated the cease-fire around Sarajevo with heavy weapons fire in the zone where it is forbidden. Dutch General Van Bal was the Chief of Staff of UNPROFOR in Sarajevo from February to August 1994. The witness said that the ABiH in August 1994. VRS attacked positions of 120 mm mortars, which had to be under the control of UNPROFOR. GOLD MEDAL GENERAL Van Bal said that his then-Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic said in Sarajevo that the government "taking the gold medal as they won the international public sympathy as the victim, and U.S. support." When asked why Karadzic Muslim side is bombed by NATO, such as the early August attack by Serbian forces, Van Bal said that UNPROFOR was unable to locate weapons of Sarajevo. Van Ball also said that after the first explosion at the Markale market, where the fifth February 1994. killed over 60 people, "there is a greater readiness of the Serbian side to find a solution, but on her own terms." - I was in Sarajevo at the time of the explosion at the Markale, and UNPROFOR was unable to determine exactly where the shells flew. UN forces did not have access to the tunnel at Koševo stadium where the ABiH holding heavy weapons - said the witness. Dutch general confirmed that in 1994. in Sarajevo were "many Americans from the CIA." There was also a former NATO commander, Gen. Kelvin, who had heard that the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina "hired as a military adviser." For Karadzic's suggestion that this means that UNPROFOR had knowledge of the violation of the arms embargo, Van Bal testified that the "attitude of Americans then was - to abolish the embargo and strike the Serbs." Listen Read phonetically Dictionary - View detailed dictionary
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