On Sun, 12 Jul 2015 10:04:43 -0500
Gary Lee Phillips <tivo.ov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As far as I know, Solaris these days only runs on Intel hardware.

Both Solaris 10 and Solaris 11 run on Intel and SPARC. Solaris 11 doesn't
run on any SPARC hardware sun4v or older IIRC.

> I've tried it there, and it seems to devote way too much processor power
> and memory to making pretty windowed screen displays (a weakness it
> shares with most Linux distributions.)

I have no idea what this means. I have several Solaris Intel boxes and they
run great. One is a fairly heavy duty but old desktop and one is a low-spec
desktop rescued from Windows that has a new lease on life as a file server.
Both these boxes run headless. If you don't want graphics don't use them.
Solaris does support most nVidia cards including some high end stuff.
Performance is excellent and snappy, and memory utilization is low.

I also run Solaris SPARC and if that isn't UNIX heaven I don't know what
is. Not that I am a UNIX fan but if you have to run UNIX then make it
Solaris SPARC...

> I guess I didn't make it clear that I'm looking for UNIX to run on VAX
> or Alpha hardware platforms.

OpenBSD should work. If you are really curious ask on the mailing lists
about your specific hardware. I used to be able to recommend NetBSD but
that was a long time ago. Same thing with FreeBSD. Those two just do not
run on non-Intel hardware the way they used to. Most of the interested
developers appear to have gone to greener pastures.

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