> On Dec 9, 2015, at 10:33 PM, Will Senn <will.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> Is is possible to simulate a graphics terminal in SimH for the 
> PDP-11/40/45/70. So far, I have been able to get a text console working (I 
> think it's a Teletype ASR-33) and serial consoles (DCI). I have seen some 
> video of real PDP's playing lunar lander and such on graphics terminals, and 
> if this is possible in a simulated environment, I would like to try it out.

There are two parts to this.  One is the conversion of the output data stream 
to the image.  The other is the interface used.  In the case of a GT40, you 
have a distinct interface along with its encoding of graphics.  If you have 
something like that but with a different interface, you'd have to emulate that 
interface.  (For example, if you wanted to emulate a VT20, that's what would be 

On the other hand, if you're dealing with a graphics terminal that interfaces 
via a serial line, the existing serial port interfaces would work and "all" you 
need is an external program that connects to that data stream -- say, via a 
telnet connection -- and turns it into a graphics image.

> Also, is it possible to simulate a graphics system phototypesetter? I get the 
> feeling that this is what TROFF was actually designed for and would be 
> interested in trying it out, as well.

Same issue, basically.  The typesetters I remember from my days in Typeset-11 
used a parallel interface somewhat like a line printer interface but, I think, 
not exactly the same.  Emulating that would be quite easy.  The data stream was 
proprietary to each typesetter, so the main task would be to interpret that 
data stream and translate it to graphics primitive for your chosen modern 
output device.  For example, it would probably be fairly straightforward to map 
old style typesetter output into PostScript.  The biggest issue might be 
finding adequate typesetter documentation, though for the Unix case you can, if 
all else fails, reverse engineer the application software that was used to 
drive it.


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