On 2016-04-20 18:52, Sampsa Laine wrote:
I say forget the FTP server, create a device which can access a directory on 
the host OS via a special device and then code file transfer utilities for each 
OS that needs it, like the SIMH Altair + CP/M thing..

Slightly simpler, and there is previous art for it (the DOS device in E11, which have been mentioned here before). However, we still face the same issue that for anything except text files, the copying is most likely not going to work that well, and it requires writing either a program that reaches down to the hardware, or a device driver for the OS, which in many cases will not be easy to do.
So I'm not sure it's really such a useful idea.
I still find Kermit the most obvious, straight forward solution. Kermit already exists for almost any platform we might talk about. It requires minimal hardware. Runs in userland. And manages the translation of text files based on the host system on each platform.

Why do people want to make life more complicated?

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