The DoD system running our nuclear arsenal off floppy disks is an IBM System/1, their 1970's "answer" to the popularity of DEC and DG minicomputers. When they released it, some IBM flack said that the System/1 "legitimized" the minicomputer market. This led to a famous (albeit never published) DG ad that said,

*They Say IBM’s Entry Into Minicomputers Will Legitimize The Market.*

*The Bastards Say, Welcome.

AFAIK, there's no emulator for the System/1. I've looked at it several times, but it's a typical IBM mess - overly complicated for what it's supposed to do. I didn't know of any surviving software, either (except now DoD's), so there was never any real motivation to work on an emulator. Perhaps DoD would like to sponsor one . ;)

/Bob Supnik


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