On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 11:18:17PM +0100, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> >As for ETOS, that wasn't a DEC product, so I have no better guess for
> >where to go trying to find a license for it other than web search
> >engines, and I've already struck out there.
> I do not believe it was ever released by its owners. And since you
> need special hardware on real machines, there was never much demand
> from anyone to even try to get it released, as it was normally that
> if you had the hardware, you also had the software.
> So I think you're out of luck on that one too.
Looks like my reply didn't go to the list.

It was informally released. When I started putting things online 15+ years
ago the company was still around and I called them asking for permission and
they said ok. I did not get anything oficially in writing though.
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