
> Timothe Litt wrote:
> > Readin mode for the PTR (KA10/KI10) sets the reader to (hardware)
> > binary mode, reads one IOWD, does a BLKI until exahusted, and XCTs
> > the last word loaded.  
> Was it possible to use readin mode with disk controllers?

  On the KA/KI you could read in from the RC10 and RH10 controllers.
  The RP10 did not support read in. Also the PTR and TMA/TMB
  controllers supported read in. 

> The reason I ask is that ITS DSKDMP seems to include code for a disk
> boot block, but it's a bit of mystery how it was used, if at all.  ITS
> people say the KA machines were cold started using paper tape.

  The KL and KS had a front end which did the work of getting BOOTS
  loaded into memory. 

  For my KA/KI simulator I have added support for read-in off the RP10
  controllers, by simulating a read of blocks 4-7 and dropping them
  into memory where they should be.


Richard Cornwell
LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornwell-991076107

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