On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 5:07 AM, Tim Stark wrote:
> I discovered CI750 tech docs when I searched for some CPU processors 
> for VAX emulation. I downloaded and reviewed it.  CI emulation can 
> be implemented for emulator to link to other VAX/Alpha emulators 
> as VMScluster. Does anyone find CI780 emulation for VAX-11/780 
> and VAX 86x0 yet?  Also I found HSC 50/70 tech docs but do not 
> have software at this time. 

Matt Burke (the author of the additional VAX simulators beyond the 
VAX780 and the VAX3900), had mentioned something about some
work he'd done with CI stuff.  I presume that none of that was 
ever completed enough since he'd never passed any of that across.

> Since SIMH's VAX firmware (KA6x0) were modified for emulation, 
> I am looking for unmodified KA6x0 ROM images.  

The original KA655 ROM is in the github repo as VAX/ka655_orig.bin

- Mark

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