Ten (10) years later. ;-)  Sorry, too much VAX 8200 posting, thought I
would put up a new (old) topic.  Bob, I used Thord's patch on three (3)
PreBuilt kits that I hung on Rsts.org.  Anyone interested in a PreBuilt
RSTS Kit can go grab a zip file, start simh and be up and running in a
few seconds.  I also merged some of my V4A paper tape distro with some
of the DecTape distro on BitSavers and got a valid sysgen of V4A going.


RSTS V7.0 (Thord Date Patch, Paul FIG-Forth RTS, My Custom,Notes RTS).
RSTS V7.2 (Thord Date Patch, Paul FIG-Forth RTS, My Custom,Notes RTS).
RSTS V8.0 (Thord Date Patch, Paul FIG-Forth RTS, My Custom,Notes RTS).

Minimum installs (Just enough to be comfy, but full distro via tape).
Guess I like to run RSTS in QRP mode. ;-)

Anyone wanting to just drive through history without pulling down a kit
can telnet to running copies of the same kits that are running here:

Telnet www.Rsts.org Port 81 Rsts V4A
Telnet www.Rsts.org Port 82 Rsts V4B
Telnet www.Rsts.org Port 83 Rsts V7.0
Telnet www.Rsts.org Port 84 Rsts V7.2
Telnet www.Rsts.org Port 85 Rsts V8.0

All systems have the same accounts, User: 100,100 Password: DEMO
is open to the public.

When I get some time next month, I will try to put up some V9+ kits.



On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Robert G. Schaffrath wrote:

Just as an FYI for those running RSTS/E V9.6 or planning to, I created a
patch several years ago to support Y2K+ dates based on Thord Nilson's
V9.2 patch.  I am posting it here and it can also be found by doing a
groups.google.com search for "date96.cmd".


-- Begin --

! DATE96.CMD - INIT.SYS patch for Y2K. Valid for INIT.SYS
!                    distributed with RSTS/E V9.6-11
!       First part is to be able to accept dates after 31-DEC-99,
!       Second part is to be able to print these dates.
!       Robert G. Schaffrath 26-MAR-04
!       Based on DATE92.CMD by Thord Nilson 22-MAY-00
File to patch?  [0,1]init.sys
Base address? ckdate
Offset address? 160
Base   Offset  Old     New?
021764  000160  020027  ? 4737          ; jsr pc, @#patch+176
021764  000162  000126  ? patch+176
021764  000164  103667  ? nop
021764  000166  162700  ? ^Z
Offset address? ^Z
Base address? patch
Offset address? 176
Base   Offset  Old     New?
044050  000176  000000  ? 20027         ; cmp r0,#124
044050  000200  000000  ? 126
044050  000202  000000  ? 103002        ; bhis ok
044050  000204  000000  ? 62700         ; add #100.,r0
044050  000206  000000  ? 144
044050  000210  000000  ? 207           ; ok: rts pc
044050  000212  000000  ? ^Z
Offset address? ^Z
Base address? datini
Offset address? 556
Base   Offset  Old     New?
020762  000556  020027  ? 4737          ; jsr pc, @#patch+162
020762  000560  000035  ? patch+162
020762  000562  101027  ? nop
020762  000564  062700  ? ^Z
Offset address? ^Z
Base address? patch
Offset address? 162
Base   Offset  Old     New?
044050  000162  000000  ? 20027         ; cmp r0,#35
044050  000164  000000  ? 35
044050  000166  000000  ? 101402        ; blos ok
044050  000170  000000  ? 162700        ; sub #100.,r0
044050  000172  000000  ? 144
044050  000174  000000  ? 207           ; ok: rts pc
044050  000176  020027  ? ^Z
Offset address? ^Z
Base address? ^Z
File to patch? ^C

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