> How do you feel about the dwelling value?  The inspection came in at $133,000 
> for the replacement cost of your home, do you agree? The policy is currently 
> at $205,000.

How was the inspection estimate calculated:
Was it based on current condition or replacement cost?

> Reading the Wikipedia page about Whirlwind, it mentions that the pdp1 is a 
> direct descendent, so would a pdp1 assembler work? Or a tx0 Assembler? I 
> don't know if these already exist or not.

There's certainly close interrelation the the development of Whirlwind, TX-0 
and the PDP-1.


        The U.S. Air Force provided substantial financial support for
        Whirlwind applications and it was a key component in the
        design of the Air Force's SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground
        Environment) air defense system in the 1950s. Research
        projects at Lincoln Laboratory resulted in the further
        development of two additional computers, the MTC (memory test
        computer) and TX-0 (transistor computer), by Group 63 of
        Lincoln Lab, Division 6.


Ken Olsen:

        We understood from experience that you really had to test
        every possible combination. Because [no matter] how thoroughly
        you designed things there's always something that might go
        wrong or some combination of things that might be wrong. And
        people were not about to trust the core memory unless it was
        truly tested in an environment that was tested. So we set
        about to build what we called a memory test computer. It was
        supposed to be an honest to goodness computer that would
        really run and test the memory, but not a computer that
        designed to be useful. I was given the job of building the
        computer just as soon as my thesis was done. I think I was
        still a graduate student and it cost a million dollars. I can
        remember being impressed of how much a million dollars
        was. How much work it took to spend a million dollars. Now I'm
        impressed at how little effort it takes to spend a million
        dollars. So we built a 16-bit machine.


        [STANDING AT THE TX-0 COMPUTER] When I was given the
        opportunity to work on a transistor computer, the idea was
        kind of new, it was exciting and we had knowledge of the very
        fast transistor which we had built a very fast computer. The
        rules were, I could hire nobody and have no space. I studied
        the rules carefully and found all the loopholes. I somehow was
        able, one way or another, to get three or four people to work
        with me. We discovered that hallway was not space. So we moved
        my office into the hall and put walls around it. We then
        traded that space for a space in the basement which was less
        desirable but bigger. With that we were able to do our work.

TX-0 was to TX-2 as MTC was to the Whirlwind.

The PDP-1 was designed by Ben Gurley, who had worked on TX-0 and TX-2.


        Two years after DEC was formed in 1957, Ben Gurley was brought
        on board to work on the PDP-1 with fellow engineers--and former
        Lincoln Laboratory employees--Ken Olsen, Dick Best, Bob Savell,
        Harlan Anderson, and Stan Olsen. Their computer design work at
        MIT greatly influenced the development of the PDP-1, which has
        been described as a "direct descendant" of the TX-0 and TX-2
        computers created at MIT.

You can find a PDP-1 cross-assembler at

I wacked at it to be PDP-1 MACRO compatible enough to assemble MACRO sources.

It has PDP-1 opcode values built in (unlike the actual implementations
back in the day, where the opcodes were defined by a source (paper)
tape.  The same is the case with the "as" assembled on PDP-7 UNIX,
which I also coaxed back to life), nonetheless it should suffice!

        the MACRO (and MIDAS?) assemblers got their start on TX-0.
        one of them was translated to the PDP-1 in a weekend hack attack (on a 
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