I'm reminded of "RSTS/E Monitor Internals" by Michael Mayfield from 1983.
Of course the information therein is "unsupported", but it's a treasure
trove for v8 users.


On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 7:47 AM, Johnny Billquist <b...@softjar.se> wrote:

> Hi.
> On 2017-10-07 17:24, Brett Bump wrote:
>> Paul, (and anyone else that wants to take a look).
>> http://www.rsts.org/~bbump/unknown_author
> Oh! I just realized I misunderstood the quote you started with. The
> specific peek "sequences" have most of the time always been unsupported, as
> what the sequences do are describing is how to dig through various internal
> RSTS/E structures in a running system to get specific information. The data
> structures and where they reside have never been guaranteed to not change
> between versions.
> So, in the end, nothing surprising at all here. I initially thought the
> text was saying that PEEK was unsupported in that version.
>   Johnny
>> It's not like it is that long, I will probably end up typing it in.
>> Brett
>> On Fri, 6 Oct 2017, Paul Koning wrote:
>>> On Oct 6, 2017, at 3:29 PM, Brett Bump <bb...@rsts.org> wrote:
>>>> This is mostly for Tim and Paul, but I figured to cross-post in case any
>>>> one might have seen this before (before I lob thy Holy Hand Grenade).
>>>> 1.  In cleaning up some of my old paperwork, I stumbled across a fanfold
>>>> .   paper copy of "RSTS/E System Programmer's Notebook" page 3 (no 1-2)
>>>> .   followed by Chapters 1-5 and Appendix A, B pages 1-5.  The bottom of
>>>> .   the Preface reads:
>>>> .
>>>> .   "What follows is a sermon, it is not a Gospel."
>>>> .
>>>> .   A section on the first page of Appendix A has a paragraph that says:
>>>> .
>>>> .   CAUTION
>>>> .   The PPEK sequences described in this     (sic. I presume PEEK)
>>>> .   document are not a part of the supported
>>>> .   functionality of RSTS/E V6C as described
>>>> .   in the RSTS/E Software Product Description.
>>>> .
>>>> Has anyone seen/read this before, know who wrote it, have a digital copy
>>>> that could be distributed out, or am I destined to type it back in so
>>>> all
>>>> can read (it is good material on old yellowed crackly fanfold paper)???
>>> That doesn't ring bells, and I don't seem to have that document in my
>>> files.  I was part of RSTS/E development at that time, so if it came from
>>> there I might have seen it but let it slip my memory.
>>> Could you scan a few pages, perhaps the first few and a couple of pages
>>> of that appendix, so I can see more of the context?  Just a simple
>>> photograph is probably good enough if you don't have a scanner.
>>> Typing it all in is hard work (I've done it for un-OCR-able listings,
>>> 300 pages).  If the listing is clean, a scan plus OCR will cut the effort
>>> very considerably.  Or just a scan, since scans are perfectly readable for
>>> humans.  OCR is only necessary if it's code that you want to be able to
>>> compile/assemble or other kinds of data that need to be processed by some
>>> program.  Not too long ago I sent an old listing of "BTSS" (RSTS v0) to
>>> another person on this list, who scanned it very skillfully.  In other
>>> words, those capabilities are around.
>>> 2.  I lost a very good friend (coworker) this week to MI (he was 66).
>>>> ...
>>> I'm sorry to hear that.  I don't have answers on your other two
>>> questions.
>>>     paul
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> --
> Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
>                                   ||  on a psychedelic trip
> email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
> pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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