
Now you lost me.  You initially said you wanted to backup SIMH VAXes.  If you 
want to do the backup to a virtual tape drive from a real VAX, you'll need 
something like MultiNet, and something on the other end that speaks the rmt 
protocol.  If you want to do a backup to something over the network, DECnet is 
your friend.  You can (and, I do) run SIMH VAXes on your Mac with huge virtual 
disk drives attached.  Your physical VAXes can boot into Standalone Backup and 
you can send the Backup Save Sets over DECnet to the SIMH VAX on your Mac.  If 
your physical VMS machine is an Alpha, as I recall, Alpha VMS did not support 
the same bootable Standalone Backup method as VAX VMS.  That is, you could not 
create a bootable SYSE directory tree on your boot disk.  However, the bootable 
Alpha VMS install disks let you drop into a console session where you could do 
that.  That means you have to have one of those bootable install disks and a 
CD-ROM reader on your physical Alpha.

Unless you are looking for the experience of dealing with tape drives, I think 
the DECnet remote file access method is easier and more useful.

Larry Baker
US Geological Survey

> On 25 Jan 2018, at 7:57:30 AM, wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 07:17:38 -0800
> From: Zane Healy < <>>
> To: Tim Shoppa < <>>
> Cc: Johnny Billquist < <>>, 
> <>
> Subject: Re: [Simh] VAX Tape Emulation?
> Message-ID: < 
> <>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Just to be clear, I’m looking to backup a physical machine, to a virtual tape 
> drive, such that I can restore the data to either SIMH or a Physical machine. 
>  I don’t need to extract files.  I can extract files (and I have with some of 
> the most critical) via NFS to my Mac.  
> Except for legacy hardware, most tapes I dealt with in the 90’s were in the 
> 20-40GB range.  Current tapes now are multi-Terabyte, but not something most 
> of us can afford to have at home, which is why I’m looking to go this route.
> Zane

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