Hi John,

Paul Nankervis grabbed an image of the V6C tape I had been hording for
almost 40 years and found a 1 block error that caused INIT.SYS to stop
with an "INIT BUG".  You are probably running that copy of V6C as no
other copy has been found (in 40 years).  Ashley Carder had (I think)
V6A running on the original Wofford Witch, but that distro has never
been retrieved.  We have been hunting for many years to fill the gaps
and it seems the only ones missing are the V5 set, V6A, V6B and V7.1.

Pretty much everything else (distros) are online either at:

 RSTS.org, trailing-edge.com, pdp-11.org.ru, or Bitsavers.

Actual sources to the distro kits are pretty much non-existant.


On Wed, 7 Feb 2018, John H. Reinhardt wrote:

With all the recent discussion of BASIC games and such, I have been reminiscing about my first days introduced to RSTS/E and the PDP-11 at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology's Camp Retupmoc in summer 1977. At the time they were running V6B on their PDP-11/70. I've searched for some time for various versions of RSTS/E and I've found a few distributions.

I have a real PDP-11 chassis and cards which I am slowly working toward refurbishing. But they are newer MicroPDP-11 types and would not run anything older than V8 or V9. I've found a copy of V6C which is pretty close but I'm wondering if anyone has V6B on TAP format. Hopefully the SYSGEN tape or a running system that can be re-configured. I would run it on a SIM-11 emulation.

I know mention has been made of source listing/tapes. I don't know the legality but if it's possible to get source for a V6 or even V7 I'd love to have it to look at to see how things were done.

John H. Reinhardt
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