Through some testing, i have confirmed that the resolution of the printing for 
me was adding the /device:lpt0 switch. Im not sure where to set up the ANF-10 
node number as I don’t have networking enabled on my Tops-10 system. I couldn’t 
see where in MONGEN you enter much about the printers. The only question I can 
see is Include UNIBUS/LP20 printers (NO,YES,PROMPT): y

> On 21 Mar 2018, at 14:33, Timothe Litt <> wrote:
> You should not need the /Device.  There may be an issue if you haven't 
> assigned a non-zero ANF-10 node number to the machine - I vaguely remember a 
> bug with that.  You can change the START PRINTER command in SYSTEM.CMD if 
> necessary.  But it's better to assign a node number.
> Note that the LP64 RAM is upper-case only.  (It will fold lowercase to 
> uppercase.)  If you expect (upper and) lower case output, use LP96.RAM.  
> LPTSPL will make the right choice if you MONGEN the printer correctly, as 
> will any application that asks for the printer type (or uses the LL 
> pseudo-device).
> On 21-Mar-18 10:24, Quentin North wrote:
>> Having fixed the LPFORMS, SYSTEM.CMD and SYSJOB.INI, and enable lp20 in 
>> simh, I still couldn’t get it to work until I did the shutdown and startup 
>> as below. Now it prints. Hurrah!
>> 14:18:09        Printer 0  -- Not available right now --
>> OPR>shutdown printer 0
>> OPR>  
>> 14:18:14        Printer 0  -- Shutdown --
>> OPR>start printer 0/device:lpt0 <device:lpt0>
>> OPR>  
>> 14:18:27        Printer 0  -- Startup Scheduled --
>> OPR>  
>> 14:18:27        Printer 0  -- Started --
>> 14:18:28        Printer 0  -- VFU error --
>>                 Reloading RAM and VFU
>> 14:18:28        Printer 0  -- Loading RAM with 'LP64' --
>> 14:18:28        Printer 0  -- Loading VFU with 'NORMAL' --
>> 14:18:28  <1>   Printer 0  -- Align Forms and Put Online --
>>                 Type 'RESPOND <number> PROCEED' when ready
>> OPR>respond 1 proceed
>>> On 21 Mar 2018, at 12:43, Timothe Litt < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> On 21-Mar-18 08:24, Jordi Guillaumes Pons wrote:
>>>> Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
>>>> <>
>>>>> On 21 Mar 2018, at 13:19, Timothe Litt < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> On 21-Mar-18 07:02, Jordi Guillaumes Pons wrote:
>>>>>> Some years ago I wrote a note to myself:
>>>>>> - Enable printing:
>>>>>> 1) Create file SYS:LPFORMS:INI with the following content:
>>>>>> 3) In OPR: START PRINTER 0/DEVICE:LPT0 <device:LPT0>
>>>>>> I don’t remember what problem I was trying to solve, but right now this 
>>>>>> file exists and printing works. Hope it can help you.
>>>>>> Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
>>>>>> <>
>>>>> LPFORM.INI tells LPTSPL how to process forms (the paper stock on which a 
>>>>> job is printed).
>>>>> The default form is "Normal".  Form names with the same 4 initial 
>>>>> characters use the same stock; no operator intervention is required to 
>>>>> change among them. (This is used to allow specifying soft parameters, 
>>>>> such as the number of banner pages, per job.)  If a job requires 
>>>>> different stock, the operator is notified.
>>>> IIRC the problem was the print spooler didn’t got started on boot and a 
>>>> command to tell OPR it had the default form mounted was required to start 
>>>> printing. Defining LPFORMS.INI avoided that problem and the print spooler 
>>>> started automatically. Does it make sense to you?
>>>> Blurred memories also tell me there was some alignement test involved. 
>>>> After telling OPR the printer had the form mounted it asked to confirm the 
>>>> form was correctly aligned.
>>>> Doh, memory…
>>> Not exactly.  The default form is NORMAL.  The printer is started by OPR; 
>>> as long as INITIA runs, it will start OPR, which will take SYSTEM.CMD.  
>>> SYSTEM.CMD is what configures the galactic components.
>>> LPTSPL is started by QUASAR whenever it's needed - that is, a stream is 
>>> started and there's a job in the queue (or has been recently).  QUASAR 
>>> maintains the printer state, so LPTSPL doesn't have to stick around when 
>>> idle.  It's possible that LPTSPL prompts for a form if LPFORM.INI doesn't 
>>> exist - I believe there's a default LPFORM.INI on the distribution tapes, 
>>> and I don't recall running without one in a VERY long time :-)
>>> Alignment is invoked when the mounted stock changes and /ALIGN is specified 
>>> in LPFORM.INI; it's used to match the VFU to the paper - e.g., when 
>>> printing labels, or pre-printed forms (e.g. invoices, checks, greenbar).  
>>> It is likely that that without LPFORM.INI, LPTSPL conservatively asks for 
>>> alignment.  As I said, it's a good idea to have one.
>>> However, the OP wasn't getting that far - the printer status shown is "not 
>>> available", indicating that the stream is assigned to a device that doesn't 
>>> exist or is assigned to another job.  The most likely cause is failing to 
>>> enable it in SimH.
>>> I'm not inclined to read the code to refresh my memory of what happens 
>>> without LPFORM.INI - having one is a good idea, and I don't think it 
>>> relates to the OP's issue.
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