Actually, VMS don't natively have any record terminators for text files.
So lines terminated by CR, LF, CR+LF or whatever, are all wrong.

The natural format is variable length records with implied CRLF. Which means that on the disk, the records are prefixed by a length, and no CR or LF are actually present at all.

But of course, such a format is not something a 9660 file system can have, so you'll instead have to tell VMS that the files on that CD should be interpreted as stream-lf, if they are in fact Unix text files.

Exactly how you get VMS to actually interpret the files on the CD that way though, I can't remember. Maybe there is some mount option? Otherwise copy the files over to a normal disk, and then change the file attributes to be stream-lf.


On 2018-12-17 16:15, Dave L wrote:
Likely the issue is that the *nix system presents the text file as stream-LF format which VMS won't understand as a standard text file which it would expect to be CR-LF terminated records. VMS convert utility would be able to fix that as already mentioned, tho you may need to tell it what record format you want on the output file, can't recall now (or use an FDL to define the output file format).

Alternatively you can just cut and paste from your host into the terminal session to get the initial licenses set up and go from there, either direct to the VMS prompt to action the commands or capture into a command file ("$ copy TT:" might work, then ctrl/Z when finished).


On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 14:02:24 -0000, Brian <> wrote:

On 12/17/18 8:44 AM, Wilm Boerhout wrote:
Brian schreef op 17-12-2018 om 14:28

I really don't want to have to enter all the licence data
interactively, or fix a couple of thousand line endings in the editor!
There must be SOME way of getting the file onto a new setup?

Thanks for any assistance,


What usually works for me:

 * open the license command file  file in your mail program / in a
   notepad on your Linux host.
 * Open a TPU editor session on your OPA0 simh console terminal
 * Copy/Paste the License file text into the TPU editor window.

If you get buffer overflows on VMS, try it with just the TCP/IP
license (called UCX for hysterical reasons), then setup IP networking
and ftp on VMS.

OK, thanks, I'll give it a try later today and report back. If anybody
can tell me in simple terms, though, I would like to understand why
the route of going via an ISO didn't work. Is it not possible to
transfer text files to the VAX other than via cut-and-paste without
the line endings getting mangled?

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