On Sun, 30 Dec 2018, Paul Koning wrote:

On Dec 30, 2018, at 4:07 PM, Brett Bump <bb...@rsts.org> wrote:

(Reply excluding photos)

On Sun, 30 Dec 2018, Brett Bump wrote:

Sorry Bob, that kit is a modified version which includes Paul's FORTH run
time system ...

With V6C?  Interesting.  I did that work around V9.0, though I don't remember 
if it was shipped with the kit at that time or only somewhat later.  It doesn't 
do any real magic so it seems that it should work.

It would be fascinating to find a copy of RSTS V5A and reconstruct the 
machinery (then totally undocumented and unsupported) for using additional 
runtime systems.  It was pretty ugly but it worked well enough to enable us to 
run TECO in 1975 at my college.


Yes, both your FORTH code and my Custom run-time-systems run with pretty
much no issues.  You can even set them as the permanent rts although you
are then stuck with no CUSPS to continue (forced into Fig-Forth is cool)

JOB MAX or SWAP MAX change?

Any memory allocation changes?

You currently have crash dump disabled.

DD-MMM-YY? 23-FEB-85
12:00 PM? 12:01


The only thing you can do with mine is type help or shutup as V6C didn't
come with CSPCOM and my rts depends on RSX CUSPS to bring it up if it is
the default.  I put your FORTH rts and my Custom rts's in the Kits I put
up last year (V6C, V70, V72, V80 and V93).  Was going to kit the rest of
them but time got away from me.  The V5 stuff would be interesting.

The V3 code just confuses me completely and I can't make any of it run.

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