This is really good news, thank you.  This is something I’ve been wanting to 
play with.  I’ve used DECwindows quite a bit on my Alpha’s, but never on my 
VAXen.  I have (at least I think I still have it), a VAXstation II/RC with the 
monochrome monitor, but never got VMS going on it, as I ended up with a 
MicroVAX II, and then quickly a VAXstation 3100.

There are some VAX/VMS 5.5-2 era things that I want to give a try.


> On Apr 6, 2019, at 10:03 AM, Matt Burke <> wrote:
> The long awaited VCB02 (colour graphics adapter) for VAX has now been
> released. It hasn't been merged into the Simh master branch yet but for
> now you can get the code from:
> If you need a Windows executable then that's available here:
> Here is the current status for the graphical environments that I've tested:
> DECwindows - All OK as far as I can tell.
> VWS - Works but leaves trails on the screen if you drag a window.
> UWS - Works but certain visual elements such as window icons are
> missing. Also I'm not sure the colours a are quite right. I will have to
> test this on a real VAX to check.
> Only captured input mode is currently supported. This must be set before
> enabling the device.
> sim> set qdss capture
> sim> set qdss enabled
> The VCB02 has only been added to the MicroVAX II simulator so far
> (VAXstation II/GPX). I know there have been some discussions previously
> about the MicroVAX 3900 supporting the VCB02 though I've not had success
> with that yet.
> Matt
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