> On Apr 21, 2019, at 2:36 PM, Mark Pizzolato <m...@infocomm.com> wrote:
>> I tried to run the following:
>> backup/image/verify dka200: dka100:[000000]20190420-system.sav/sav
>> I ended up with a very strange “No valid storage bitmap found” error, and it
>> failed to copy anything.
>> Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
>> Explanation: Software bad block data is not present on the volume. The
>> volume has been initialized with no bad blocks.
>> User Action: Execute the Bad Block Locator utility before using the volume.
>> NOBITMAP, no valid storage bitmap found on 'device-name’
>> I tried ANALYZE/MEDIA, but may not have been doing things right.  This is a
>> Genuine RZ29-VA, but it was originally used as part of a disk array for a Sun
>> Sparc system.
> This exercise will merely put a backup saveset on another disk which I don't 
> see getting you very far towards making it accessible from simh.

I tested this out on an Alpha (XP1000/667), and it appears to work just fine.

backup/image/verify dka200: dka100:[000000]20190420-system.sav/sav
backup/image/verify dka100:[000000]20190420-system.sav/sav dka300:

I was then able to boot dka300:

I just have to figure out what the problem with the VAXstation 4000/60 is.

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