Hi everyone - happily getting into simh now, reliving my happy
upbringing on DEC hardware :) . I used to run RSTS on my own 11/34a,
and did a bunch of other work on RSX-11m on DEC Pro/350's, so very
much looking forward to reliving some of those times.

A couple basic questions....

1) I'm assuming RSX-11m is where I should be focusing my work - even
though my personal systems were RSTS based, (with an occasional boot
of RT11 to test stuff)  i feel RSX-11m is the more 'complete' and
modern OS (contextually speaking).  Does this make sense?

2) I very much want to be able to telnet into the Pi and log into
RSX11.  My goal is to be able to log in, run EDT sessions, and maybe
get back into my old BASIC programming chops (okay, and I also miss
Macro-11).  I've found a few references in archives to various TCP
stacks, and a SHOW NETWORK is showing me an ethernet address.  Do I
have to hand-wace magic to get a stack up on that interface?

If this isn't the right place for this, please let me know (I actually
rummaged around Reddit looking for a good forum there, but doesn't
look like /r/pdp11 is particularly active.

Looking forward to workoing with folks!


Dave Shevett
Simh mailing list

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