One other thought - it will likely take a little work, by years ago Jim
Reeds of UCB took the old Harvard Macro11 and Link11 tools from the
original 1977 USENIX distribution tape and hacked on them/updated them for
2BSD.   The important thing for you is he rewrote the linker into C (the
originals were in Macro11).   IIRC, his linker takes DEC PDP-11 *objs and
creates a.out.   You have to look at the sources for yourself, but that
might be a starting point for something like what you want.   For the
linker check out:
The assembler is called m11 is ../m11


On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 6:27 PM Kevin Handy <> wrote:

> I was watching some youtube videos about the PiDP-11, and they all seemed
> to end up typing in a hand-assembled program into the emulator.
> It got me  to thinking about the macro11 assembler in simtools, however
> that program only appears to output object files, not binary ones. simh
> appears to only accept binary filesm not object files.
> Is there some way to bridge the gap? Is there some method to bridge he
> gap? marco11 to output binary files, a linker to convert object files to
> binary ones, or simh to accept object files.
> For the PiDP-11 users, they could prooblbly work from a listing where a
> hard-coded base address is given, but others might want to try something
> that is too long to want to key it in.
> If this is already possible, some documentation on the process would be
> useful. This would also make simtools more useful.
> This applies to all the other emulations that have assemblers available
> also.
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