There's a problem with the MicroVAX-3900 in that sometimes the ROM built
in self test fails with ?53.  That's not terrible, but it prevents the VAX
from autobooting, which can be a problem if you're running a script that
expects to start VMS.


  Mark suggested doing something like this in the script -


               set BDR 80          (disable auto boot)

               expect ">>>" send "BOOT DUA0\r"

boot cpu


That's OK, but I'm having a problem now.  The issue is that "boot cpu" waits
until the simulation ends (i.e. until VMS is shut down), but somehow the
"expect" is cancelling that wait.  If I use the "expect" then the commands
in the simh script after "boot cpu" get executed immediately, rather than
waiting until after VMS shuts down.  That's bad (at least for me!).


  Is there a way around this?


Bob Armstrong


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