On 3/10/2020 9:16 AM, Richard Cornwell wrote:
The KL10 will also run TOPS 10 6.03, along with the KA and

Nice work!

For the record, I have a TOPS-10 6.03A monitor SYSTEM.EXE that runs on the KS10 simh. It is an installation monitor, so it has everything compiled in, but I do not have sources to do a real MONGEN.

I was able to cobble together a 6.03 system, using that 6.03A SYSTEM.EXE and get a bootable 6.03(A-ish) system running. I believe 6.03A used all the same CUSPS and other binaries as 6.03, and nothing changed except monitor support to run on the KS10.

If anyone cares, the monitor is available at http://pdp10.kilonet.org/files/tops10-monitor-603a.tap as a tape image.

art k.

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